After reading a lot of posts i am almost sure i will go to the nation...i already post a topic few a days ago...if somebody didnt read it i am a player from argentina...i ll be in miami until march i am a cranker who trows 18 mph and 495 rpm...i am trying to put my speed on 20 and slow donw the revs so i am working here with a regional pro in my swing
i want to drill 4 brunswick ball to be complete in my arsenal (i mean for every lane condition)
after read a lot my choices are :
original inferno (its not ones of my favourite but EVERYBODY says that is one of the greates balls of all time and very
impulse zone
ultimate inferno
absolute inferno
zone classic
please you know a hole bunch that i when we are talking about equipment...i know a iam almost a great bowler but i dont know nothing about drills and latyouts...could u please give me all the specifics (pin,top weight) so i order the specifics balls that u tell me
thanks a lot again
p.d: sory again for my english