Equipment Boards => Brunswick => Topic started by: BrunsNick on May 11, 2005, 07:29:26 PM
I'm going beddy bye bye, is out!
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-05
¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!
Nice blem!
Good luck at tour trials!
The Angry Bowler

*throws Satan horns in the air*
Good one Nick! Where can I get that belt buckle? 
"Smokey this is not 'Nam this is bowling, there are rules"
"Maybe those Ebonite balls hit too hard. They're too good" -Jason Couch after leaving a stone 8 pin
"Yeah but the Brunswick ones get all ten though" -Brad Angelo
¡Viva la nación!
I think that is the WWE Intercontinental Belt.

Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-05
¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!
Looks like the old Power Blitz Pearl. Nice read!
Respect the Game
That video looks alot like the videos Mike Savoia makes for Lane#1......By the way Nick....You don't score very well when they're tough do you. LOL (This is not a bash on him..Just light hearted humor..I am sure he knows how good he is)... You were hitting a 10 board break point. Also, why did you have to scuff the ball???
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 Pro Staff Member
Thanks for reading and be sure to check out my current eBay auctions at:
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Edited on 5/12/2005 10:05 PM
That video looks alot like the videos Mike Savoia makes for Lane#1......By the way Nick....You don't score very well when they're tough do you. LOL... You were hitting a 10 board break point. Also, why did you have to scuff the ball???
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 Pro Staff Member
Thanks for reading and be sure to check out my current eBay auctions at:
Official Pro Shop of "ALL" F.O.S. Members!!!Visit my brand new website!!
Why would you say that about him? Maybe he was throwing a different line to show us or maybe he just thru a bad ball?
Also if he is really that bad, i dout he would be going out for the PBA.
Taking over the lanes with Mother Nature!
Storm Baby!
Its ok to put peoples game down in humor if you are friends. If you are not, put a video up of yourself so that we can bash away beans.
And maybe its just me, but he had maybe a 4 board area, and even then he was adjusting with his release unconciously when he missed (pulled, threw it harder, threw it out, came around the side more). Not as bad as many house shots out there.
Edited on 5/12/2005 10:35 PM
Beans, are you serious? Speaking of having a 10 board break point, those videos of Mike Savoia are a joke, lol. I mean really, what accurate descriptions he used, with such favorites as: 3rd arrow swing, 4th arrow swing, 2nd arrow down and in, and of course, my personal favorite, the no-thumb special. I'm not trying to slam Mike, I'm sure he does great for Lane #1, but for God's sakes, dont EVEN try to compare Nick's videos with Mike, thats just insane. Also, what shots were you watching, I never saw him miss by more than 3-4 boards @ 35-40 feet.......
he was adjusting with his release unconciously when he missed
he was bowling while unconcious? Nick, you should've added a "do not attempt this at home" warning for that vid. i could sue you if i tried to bowl while unconcious because i saw you do it. 
seriously though, nice likes that reaction.
not just Hammer anymore
Proud to have blue balls...
HB's cheap plug of whenever i feel like plugging something else
*link broken, copy/paste*
I hate stupid people...
O shut it hb... you know what I mean, that feeling that you get where your body reacts to something without thinking. You do know what that is, don't you?
Nick the LZC looks really nice going down the lane. I told you guys that a little surface change now and then will not hurt... surface is more than half the battle...
I have to slow down with this ball, and slowing down is not my A-game... so yeah, I'm going to miss since my timing is not always 100%. The last shot with the original Zone Classic is more fluid because I know it is going to slow down on its own.
Thanks for your concern about my game, but I do just fine.
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-05
¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!
Nick, what would you say the board difference is between the two ZC's if they were both drilled and prepped the same being thrown on the same lane ?
"Chance to squint at a sky so blue that it hurts your eyes just to look at it."
Great question Jeff, I was wondering if they would be a good 1-2 punch for medium to medium light conditions.
Repetition is everything..
Its ok to put peoples game down in humor if you are friends. If you are not, put a video up of yourself so that we can bash away beans.
To his credit, I've seen "Beans" Binek(sp?) throw a few shots at a regional last summer in York, PA I believe, and he throws it very well. I'd actually like to see one of his videos.
Respect the Game