Equipment Boards => Brunswick => Topic started by: heckler17 on November 03, 2005, 04:48:31 AM
With this ball being $60 including shipping, it seems like a no brainer to pick one up. My current league conditions have been pretty dry, even though it is a first shift. I feel most comfortable standing around board 25-27 throwing to 12 at the arrows, and having it slide out to around 5-7, before heading back to the hole. I've been using a Shock and Awe, and an Ebonite Ice. I can't throw this line with my Shock and Awe, I just don't see enough oil. I can with the Ice, but it can get pretty snappy in the back.
How is the transition from wet to dry for this ball? I'm looking for something that gets through the heads, and makes a smooth transition into a decently hard arch. I don't want anything that snaps too much. Help from anyone who has thrown this ball would be greatly appreciated.
As with the other Zone asymmetricals, the reaction you get will be dependent upon how you lay it out.
Not knowing your game well, I'm reluctant to make a specific recommendation; your ball driller would be in a better position to do this than I would. That said, I've laid out a few ZC RPs (for myself and a few others) with a 4 1/2" pin and the PSA in a strong position, and this tempers the breakpoint somewhat. The ball is still clean in front, but picks up the midlane well, and goes into a strong arc in back.
Hope this helps.
...formerly "The Curse of Dusty," and "Poöter Boöf" before that...
I tested a Red Pin, a 3" pin-out with the pin outside ring and PSA at 135° on a medium-dry shot. Made a nice, controllable arc to the pocket, very tame reaction. Smooth. I think you can drill it strong without a problem, even for a true dry shot.
DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
Team "X":
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe
Drilled my Red Pin pin over bridge PSA under thumb.Gets good length but on a true dry this is a little too snappy.
Also use a Track Desert Heat drilled label,this ball is a better option on TRUE dry...not quite as long as RP but much smoother arc.IMO carry is better with Desert Heat.