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Author Topic: Zone Classic, Red vs. Green: Would it *really* make a difference to a hack like me?  (Read 1283 times)


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There sure seems to be a lot of hype surrounding the Red Pin Zone Classic.  Before I get too caught up in it, is there *really* that much of a difference between the two, to where owning both would be advantageous to a THS-loving league hack like me?
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Sir Bowl-A-Lot

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The green pin is the real deal.  It is exactly what is advertised on Brunswick's website.  What you see is what you get.

The red pin has a "funky" coverstock.  It may be the Slay/R or Punisher's cover or it may be the Activator that cured too fast.  All I know is that it won't be as aggressive as the original.  The way I look at it is the red pin is nothing more than a blem.

I certainly would not shell out the money for a "mystery" ball.  But that is just me and my .02 worth.
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Edited on 5/11/2005 1:22 PM


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There should be a significant difference. The activator on the green pin is fairly early for a pearl. My red pin is super clean and very long. Make your pick based on oil volume. There is a difference between the two.

Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?


Edited on 5/11/2005 6:44 PM

Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?
