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Author Topic: Deal Breakers: Stormlovalova and others - MadMax No more Business on Ballreviews-GoodBye!  (Read 2307 times)


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This post is to inform others, we held a NIB ball for Stormlovalova for just about a month.  We lost selling this ball 2 times since we were holding it for him.  Yes I saw the other post on him but gave him the shot to prove others wrong and that he does honest business and his word is good.  Well it didn't work out that way and I really doubt he ever sent a payment at all or even a second because they never arrived.  Just as TMaxx11 got us so did Stormlovalova, and yes the others on this site that have done the same to me this year, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!  If I was smart I would have wrote the others down so I could include you all, but I didn't, but you know!  

I have also decided that I am done selling NIB & Used equipment on this site.  I have been here a Long Time as most of you know but it is not the same.  I have always been honest and true to my word, I don't think anyone has ever been un-happy with any deal ever with me.  Other board members have left for the same reasons, everybody wants to trade or prices are to high, or you just get plain
stiffed or screwed.  It seems like the amount of crooked, dishonest and scammers
are rising!  Even Pchee2 use to list his post for the Cheap People but I do know times are Hard, but you can't get something for nothing.

In the end I do want to say that there are allot of Good People on Ballreviews.
I have some good friends on here and have had a TON of 1ST Class Transactions.
All of you that have been great to do business with are always Welcome, you can
e-mail me any time to see what we have Used or NIB.  
So Long, Good Luck, MadMax.



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It's a shame that it's come to this but maybe if you had a paypal account the dollars would be transacted instantaneously and you won't have to worry about getting stiffed for payment, or, hold a ball for prolonged periods of time without proper payment.  That way, if someone is wronged in the process, paypal, along with your cardholder can subrogate for any monies that were shorted.
Not all great shots result in strikes and not all strikes are great shots.  A Lane #1 distributor since two hours ago.


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My PayPal account is Older then Time, it really has nothing to do with that.  What it comes down to is buyers make deals they never intend on Honoring.  Years ago before you were here probably we did allot of business on Ballreviews, sold most of our Close Out's here but over time it has become more of a Trading Post.  Now that's not bad but in my business it doesn't work.  Long ago on here I held equipment for people and never worried about non-payment or backing out.  But the names have long changed and I don't even know 2/3rds of the users now and allot don't come through.  So I will let the young guns have at it and will do my out of state business on Ebay.


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MAD MAX .. sorry you had some BAD DEALS .. I can imagine how lousy that is .. I never bought from you .. however I do remember being in touch with you when you were selling on BR AUCTIONS .. never could understand how you had so many ball to get rid of! I understand your choice of action and wish you LUCK on future deals!
Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Max, sorry to hear you are leaving us. I have done business with you although it has been a couple of yours. I always checked your stuff when you had items listed and was never concerned about dealing with you. I have been here a few years now and it is a sad day to see one of our assett members to have to come to this. Even if you never sell another ball on this sight please don't stop posting.It is always nice to hear your comments on things. Good Luck in all your future endeavors.

Thanks, cooksey
" Focus the next shot is critical"
" Focus the next shot is critical"



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Sorry it has come to that.  Everyone here know's you're a class seller.  Good luck and stay in the forums even if you stop selling/trading.
Penn State Proud


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 Message me and let me have your e-mail for sure. I have bought from you under the old user name sirbowlsalot and always had great transactions.  I finally had to change user names due to the young kids hi-jacking the user name by hyphenating it (among other things) but I think you would know me by it.
Just call me Darreyl, it's much easier to say!
Learn to laugh, and love, and smile, cause we’re only here for a little while.

T Brockette

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Maybe no handshakes, but what about a person's word.
Isn't that worth anything anymore? These stories of
taking the money and running, or promising to buy or
trade, and then not following thru seem to be coming
more and more commonplace here. If a person cannot
trusted at their word, what much else is there for
them to offer?
Tracy Brockette – Lone Star House Hack

T Brockette

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Unfortunatly, what your saying is probably true, but is doesn't
make it right. I replied to this post just to give an opinion
like everyone else, but I will say this, In this day and age
of the fast talking, screw anyone over, so I can get what I
want person, It's nice to know there are some people who give
their word and sleep at night with a clear consious.
Tracy Brockette – Lone Star House Hack


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Sorry to lose you max, and not to hijack this thread, but Saw the Rack just doesn't get it. If you give someone your word, it isn't about what your word means to them, it is about what your word means to you. That, my friends, is called CHARACTER!

  If your word is only as good as the next guy to come along with a few bucks in his hand, then f**k you in the first place.

  Max got screwed one to many times on here, and he is a really good guy to buy from, and I can't blame him for pulling his stuff out of here.  You people who are screwing up are costing yourselves the chance to get some really great equipment at great prices, but by running off all the good sellers, you are ruining it for all of us.
Just call me Darreyl, it's much easier to say!
Learn to laugh, and love, and smile, cause we’re only here for a little while.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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I have dealt with "Max" several times, and never had a problem. It is a shame to see him head off of the site. HOWEVER, I agree there are some serious "character" issues with many of the newer users. Max has been nothing but honest, and deserved better than the treatment he was given.

Max, if you leave the site, keep in touch with me via email.

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

Tag Team Member #1

<b><i>TAG TEAM COACHING!!!!!!</i></b>/


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Saw The Rack, oh how this board has changed.  That's the difference between 5, 6 or 7 years ago, you weren't here and or others like you.  The older user's really didn't need anyone's word back then, when the deal was done IT was done.  Also I don't run my business like you, you sound like a fast talker looking for a quick buck.  Sure this may be the internet but hey don't make excuses for the way the world is, we all know what it comes down TOO and most don't have THEM!

To the rest who wrote, thanks for the words, I will keep in touch and still be on here every once in awhile but just no more sales.  I'll spend more time in the shop and less on here.
Thanks MadMax


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I will be here on and off, just not selling here anymore.  Not enough sales for my time and to many deals fall through, wasting my time!  I will spend more time in the shop getting more done.  You have my e-mail, anybody that I have dealt with on here in which the transaction was 1st class and trouble free can contact me, I will still sell to all you great customers!  The only thing I am no longer going to do is post any equipment for sale on BallReviews.  Just e-mail or message me and I will let you know what I have in stock and on Close Out.
Thanks again, MadMax.