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Author Topic: Apology to straightup7  (Read 646 times)


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Apology to straightup7
« on: January 30, 2004, 11:58:29 AM »
We tried to make a deal over a month ago for a used ball.  I posted that I had a 14 lb Firestorm for sale, and he showed interest in it for his dad.  He sent me a money order for 40 bucks.  Turns out that the Firestorm had been sold to me by someone who stole it, so naturally I had to give it back to the man who it had been stolen from (he came into the shop asking about it or something, my boss was the one that was there).  Rather than send the money right back, we agreed that I would keep my eyes open for another couple weeks to see if another low end 14 came along.  It didn't, so I said I'd go ahead and send his money back.  Well, it's been at least two weeks past the fact, and I still haven't returned his money.  Never to worry, it's in the mail now, he should be receiving it any time.  I sincerely apologize for the tardiness, I will make no excuses, and thank him VERY much for his patience.  

If anyone has a chance to do business with him, don't hesitate or worry, he's almost too easy to deal with.  If circumstances would have been different, the transaction would have gone very smoothly and quickly.  The guy's a class act, and again I apologize for my lack of responsibility in the matter.
The weekly signature series, by Hamster, presenting a mini-series of quotes from Shrek!

"You know how you tryin to give somebody the hint, but they won't leave, then there's that big awkward silence, you know . . . ."



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Re: Apology to straightup7
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2004, 11:18:28 PM »
Howdy Luke,      THANKS for the KIND words... Hey, things happen. It was NOT your fault that the ball in question was stolen, you did not know that. My only regret, was that the thief was NOT caught (you sure tried to make that happen). I was NEVER worried you!!!!! Maybe we can do something in the future?.!.?

Take care,   Jeff