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Author Topic: ASB- Joe...disappointed, will not do business with again  (Read 2034 times)


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ASB- Joe...disappointed, will not do business with again
« on: November 14, 2006, 06:40:11 AM »
On 11-10 I worked out a deal with a bolt298 on here where he would buy a ball from Joe, Joe would drill and ship it to me, and I would ship bolt298 a ball.  We both talked to Joe about this to get everything straight, and he said fine.  I asked Joe to contact me when he received payment from bolt298 so we could discuss a layout.  This was Friday.

Bolt298 told me he sent payment via paypal to Joe, and that he received a confirmation email that Joe received payment.  I haven't heard anything from Joe at all.  I sent him a PM last night to find out what was going on, and he hasn't read it yet.  I know he's on this site, because he has posted this afternoon.  I also know that he's leaving tomorrow, so now I'll have to wait another week MINIMUM before I can even think about getting my ball.  I told bolt298 that I was not going to wait to ship him his ball on Joe's account...I just want confirmation that Joe was paid.  I know he's a busy guy, but he's in business to provide timely service, and this is not my definition of it.  I hate to have to post this, but it seems it's the only way to get his attention.

"On-base percentage is great if you can score runs and do something with that on-base percentage.  Clogging up the bases isn't that great to me. The problem we have to address more than anything is the home run problem."
~Dusty Baker being a total fool

Edited on 11/21/2006 8:40 PM
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Re: ASB- Joe...disappointed, will not do business with again
« Reply #16 on: November 24, 2006, 07:37:42 PM »
I talked to him probably 4 times over the phone.  Don't assume anything.
"On-base percentage is great if you can score runs and do something with that on-base percentage.  Clogging up the bases isn't that great to me. The problem we have to address more than anything is the home run problem."
~Dusty Baker being a total fool
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Doug Sterner

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Re: ASB- Joe...disappointed, will not do business with again
« Reply #17 on: November 30, 2006, 12:32:55 PM »
Has anyone been in contact with Joe recently?

He has had some serious crap going on in his life right now...

I feel Joe has had more transactions on here than anyone else in the last year and his problems have been fewer and further in between than others.

Give him the opportunity to make it right and he will not disappoint you.
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Lane 1 Buzzsaw...The Official Power Tool Of Bowling
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY

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Re: ASB- Joe...disappointed, will not do business with again
« Reply #18 on: November 30, 2006, 12:39:05 PM »
I have emailed joe with no repsonse recently so I assumed he had something going on. I also have not seen him on AOL IM which is odd.
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Re: ASB- Joe...disappointed, will not do business with again
« Reply #19 on: December 01, 2006, 07:22:07 AM »
Joe is a good and Busy guy. I definitely second what you said Doug, Joe has done so much biz on here that to get all of the transactions absolutely perfect is not the easiest thing to do. But Joe does one hell of a job trying.
I have bought from him many times and everything better than flawless.

Ten Pin Lanes Pro Shop
St. Matthews, KY
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Re: ASB- Joe...disappointed, will not do business with again
« Reply #20 on: December 01, 2006, 07:36:31 AM »
Listen, I know he's a busy guy.  And I'm sure that he has some things going on in his life making things difficult.  I'm also well aware of his great reputation on this site.  Heck, I finally got the ball and I couldn't be happier with it.  The fit is perfect and it works wonderfully.  

I had a problem with the first order I placed with him.  It was slow, communication was bad, and something else occured that I will not make public.  I was upset and vented to a fellow BR member about it without posting.  I gave Joe and Lou the benefit of the doubt.  

I was so happy with the fit of the ball that I decided to use Joe again, despite my slightly negative experience with him the first time around.  The second time was worse, as I documented quite clearly already.  I don't know of anyone that would be pleased to learn that it took a week and a half for their order to be shipped when others here get theirs shipped the same day they place an order.  I allowed plenty of time for him to ship.  I was not pushy, and I was not rude to Joe.  Not once did he offer me an apology or anything.  

I can accept that he has some things going on in his life.  I just don't like being lied to and have my business put on the back-burner when others are not having issues.  It makes me feel, as a customer, that my business is unimportant.  I hope that clarifies my position.

"On-base percentage is great if you can score runs and do something with that on-base percentage.  Clogging up the bases isn't that great to me. The problem we have to address more than anything is the home run problem."
~Dusty Baker being a total fool
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