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Author Topic: bad seller ello12all BEware  (Read 4257 times)


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bad seller ello12all BEware
« on: October 06, 2004, 02:05:02 PM »
I sent this guy money for a ball on sept 20, 04. He messages me on sept 22,04. stating that he recieved my money. he never sent me a tracking number nor did he return none of my messages. the date is now oct 6,04 and my ball is a no show. let the record reflect that if i do business with someone i will follow the deal thru the end. this guys has bascically taken my money and ran. but little does he know i will find him and get my money back one way or the other. it's a shame that we have *ssholes like this on this website. i have never had a problem with no one until now. let's get rid of the thieves and keep the honest folks on this website. so please beware



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Re: bad seller ello12all BEware
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2005, 10:16:13 AM »
Here is the best way to file a complaint:

Internet Fraud Complaint Center....  You fill in as much information as you have, including any messages, emails, etc.  They transfer it to the local police dept for an investigation.  Everyone hates when it comes down to this, but sometimes you just have to do it!

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