umm...barry, you can copy and paste TTT with the mouse, which is exactly what i did. if you are too close-minded to understand that stuff happens, you don't need to be conducting business on this site. by the time i bought my new keyboard, you had already written me two, no-so-friendly messages, and i will not apologize to someone who writes rude messages to me...not gonna happen.
and i'm sorry to hear that you've never gone on a vacation, but some of us do that sometimes. maybe if you would, you wouldn't get so upset so easily...if you still don't believe i went, i'd be glad to e-mail you the pictures. i don't care if you don't deal with me again, but you WILL NOT call me a liar on here!
so how about considering the matter closed, you keep on your side of the fence, i'll stay on mine, and i expect no more of your crap, messing up, what once was, a good feedback post from a respectable member. thank you.
When having trouble, just throw it harder!!!