Just thought I would throw this out there.....
Still no laptop.
Still no communication......
Last communication from him was over a month ago when I asked him why UPS was knocking on my door and he didnt let me know he *finally* got the ball rolling. He replied calling me a "smart one" (scarasim on) and how dare I expect to be refunded without UPS picking it up to inspect it.
Well I was getting upset again yesterday so I emailed UPS about the status of my claim....... here was their response:
Dear Mat:
Thank you for your inquiry. Our system indicates that a claim letter
was mailed to the shipper on 09/07/06 and we are currently waiting for a
response from the shipper with documentation to process the claim.
Since UPS finalizes all claims with the shipper of record, please contact the
company or party that shipped your package for final resolution.
Unfortunately, I am unable to provide claim information to the receiver
or third party.
So basically UPS emailed him THE DAY AFTER HE MESSAGED ME to finalize the deal and he never responded to them. The kicker is that because of UPS policy, HE will get the money. So now not only does he get my $300, now he gets $300 from UPS (if he ever decides to not be lazy and actually communicate with someone).
Isn't the internet grand?
Mat Henning
Roto-Grip Staffer
Turbo 2·N·1 Staffer
Owner/Operator of
Champions Bowling Services