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Author Topic: Brickguy221... A-1 Guy  (Read 521 times)


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Brickguy221... A-1 Guy
« on: May 25, 2005, 08:00:30 AM »
Brickguy221 patiently suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune and messed-up delivery of his SlickTape. Despite the Post Office losing two packages, he never had a harsh word to say and I want to publicly thank him for that.
When you're just starting out, reputation's a fragile thing so I'm pretty sensitive to these things. Once again, if you've ordered SLickTape and not gotten it MESSAGE ME! I can't help you if I don't know there's a problem!

Again, my thanks
Get slick and roll it smooth!

Edited on 5/25/2005 3:52 PM