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Author Topic: Bsuproshopscom ???  (Read 676 times)


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Bsuproshopscom ???
« on: March 06, 2006, 02:13:37 PM »
I'm currently in a transaction with Bsuproshopscom.  I'm just wondering if anyone has done any previous transactions with them before.  

I've sent the payment for a Machine 2nd on Wed. Feb. 22.  Then I found out he did not have the ball in stock; he said he would order it from a warehouse and he would receive it on Thurs. Mar. 2, and he'd ship on Fri. Mar. 3.

I e-mailed in him on Fri. Mar. 3 and he replied on Sat. Mar. 4 saying they would come in Mon. Mar. 6 and he'd ship it out Wed. Mar. 8.  I asked him to e-mail me as soon as he receives the ball, and I haven't gotten any reply since Saturday.  I'm getting very concerned!  It shouldn't take 2 weeks to ship out a ball (and a person shouldn't really be selling something if they don't have it in their possession, unless they specifically mention it's a pre-order).

Please help me!
Here's a link to the products he listed for sale:
Evolutionary. Revolutionary.



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Re: Bsuproshopscom ???
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2006, 09:09:13 AM »
I also have been in communication with them about a Machine second.  They are very slow in responding.  Last e-mail to them at their address was on Saturday Mar. 4th and as of today they still have not read it.  I have already purchased another Track 2nds from another BR poster but still interested in a Machine.  From some of the replies back from them, it seems like they don't have any of these Tracks 2nds they listed.  When I did get a response it was like "they will be coming in soon, you definitely want one?".


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Re: Bsuproshopscom ???
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2006, 11:38:14 AM »

It's already Wednesday and still no response.  Last e-mail I received from him was Saturday, and I've e-mailed him twice since then without any reply in return.

Has anyone dealt with BSU before?
Evolutionary. Revolutionary.


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Re: Bsuproshopscom ???
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2006, 11:40:12 AM »
I didn't like the response I got from this seller so I passed on buying from him..

I hope it all works out for you..

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