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Author Topic: BuddiesProShop and  (Read 333 times)


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BuddiesProShop and
« on: November 30, 2005, 01:21:47 AM »
Compared prices and did internet order of new equipment from buddies one day and from bowlingball the next.  Very fast shipping - Items arrived on the same day.  Pin and top specifications are as I requested.  Great after sale comunication with tracking numbers on shipments.

The day after I placed my order I did get an e-mail from bowlingball that the pin I requested was not available and that if I couldn't be satisfied with a different pin then my money would be refunded immeadiately.  I didn't respond to this e-mail until nearly midnight and the next day was Thanksgiving, so I figured that the day after would be when everyone went back to work and they would get my new e-mail. I was wrong.  On Thanksgiving day I had a responce that they had what I needed and that it would be shipped with out delay.

I really feel like the on-line service provided by and BuddiesProShop is almost as good "live in the flesh" - person to person.
