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Author Topic: CatchaClue Good Deal!  (Read 987 times)

Tony Banks

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CatchaClue Good Deal!
« on: December 16, 2005, 08:02:14 AM »
Prices are reasonable, so I made a deal. He said that he would ship out my ball the next day. I sent a money order, and since telling him this, I have not yet heard back from him. In all fairness it has only been 2 days. Communication up until that point was great. I will keep everyone posted as to when he contacts me, and whether or not it is with a tracking number. -Jared

He came online last night to send his bowling ball add back to the top, but didn't reply to my e-mail or BR PM.

He messaged me today to say that he dropped off the package for shipping yesterday.

Shipment delayed with explanation.

Ball shipped 12/21!

Ball received 12/23!

The ball is in better condition then advertised. I am not the only one who has said that CatchaClue is trustworthy and prompt.
Look for me in the upcoming PBA Tour! I'll be the guy in the back row with the foam finger singing "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" during the 7th inning.

Edited on 12/17/2005 8:17 AM

Edited on 12/17/2005 11:10 AM

Edited on 12/17/2005 7:28 PM

Edited on 12/22/2005 0:49 AM

Edited on 12/23/2005 5:53 PM



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Re: CatchaClue Good Deal!
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2005, 09:34:50 AM »
I'm confused, do you recall these emails?  Don't mistake my desire to give you the benefit of the doubt with a commitment to let you take advantage of me.  I sent you a message this morning letting you know the status of shipment.  I will continue to do so, but not on an hourly basis.  Mike was supposed to get back to me last night with shipping info but hasn't yet...I WONDER IF HE HAS A LIFE OTHER THAN BEING ON HERE...HMMMMMMM, point being you dont see me pissin and moanin about it.  This is why I've been a member since 2001, but choose not to offer my old equipment to this forum.



The Ace will always be "the one that got away". From what Mike, Bolwergee, says you are trustworthy, and that's enough for me. It's just that I've bought 4 bowling balls in the past week. Ah what the heck, if it's not too late I'll take a 5th, and sell my overtime to cover to the cost. If you haven't agreed to sell it to someone else already, give me the address to send the payment to, and I will either send cash or a postal money order according to your preference. Let me know, and I can have it in the mail by tomorrow. Thank you, either way and sorry for the hesitation.

PS Don't think it would work the same way on Ebay, it's not the nice little community you have on ;-)

On 12/14/05 <> wrote:
Thanks anyways Jared,  I have a couple other offers pending on the Ace.  Before I shipped a ball without payment first I'd rather leave on the rack at the  Interesting proposal though, maybe I'll try that on ebay...LOL.

Edited on 12/17/2005 10:26 AM

Edited on 12/17/2005 10:30 AM

Edited on 12/17/2005 1:58 PM


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Re: CatchaClue Good Deal!
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2005, 01:28:05 PM »
After reviewing your message I see that you're prone to exagerating.  You make a comment it's been two days since you have told me you were mailing a money order, I beg to differ, i.e. the following email (check the date and time).

Fri, 16 Dec 2005 11:26:51 -0600
From: "Jared Walker" <>  Add to Address Book  Add Mobile Alert
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more
To: <>
Subject: Re: Ace Pic
The money order was shipped yesterday. Let me know when the ball ships and if it has a tracking number. Thanks

You haven't replied to my message earlier today, but rather decided to update this post.  Because of these actions I am less than comfortable with your commitment to send out payment.  I have contacted the proshop that is shipping the ball and have asked them to hold off till payment is recieved.  I want to assure you that when payment is recieved and put in the bank I will ship the ball to you.  I'm responding to you here so that there will be no misunderstanding or creative perceptions on your part.  If you'd rather cancel our transaction I have no problem sending your letter back unopened, assuming it comes.  Let me know.

Tony Banks

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Re: CatchaClue Good Deal!
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2005, 06:24:53 PM »
My messages weere completely rational and devoid of opinion. If it had been less than two days I sincerely apologize for my miscalculation. I have had maybe 12 hours of sleep in the past 3 days, and have checked ball reviews hourly as a break from studying for finals. I didn't expect you to ship the ball out before receiving payment to begin with, but you said you would ship it the next day and I believed you. That was an error on my part. Had you shipped it on the 15th, you could not have cancelled shipment today, the 17th. If you knew that you weren't going to ship it when you said you were, then you could have told me sooner. I honestly don't see what you found so offensive about the messages posted here. I never once expressed doubt. I never told people not to trust you or even to exercise caution. Everything there is true except for the 2 day time frame, though by the time you replied to any of this it had been closer to 3 days. How do you say that I am "prone to exageration" if I had only exaggerated once with the preceding words "in all fairness it has only been", and what would being "prone to exaggeration" have to do with whether or not I sent the money? As stated in an e-mail sent to you on the 14th I've had several sucessful transactions with the people I'd listed, and there isn't any negative feedback, or exaggeration, on this forum to give you any reason to doubt my trustworthiness. As for you, not having any references of reputation, aside from the duration of your membership, and making mountains of mole-hills by personal attacks based more on speculation than evidence, I'm sorry. Your reply on this strand and how it will be perceived by others will do your reputation far more damage then any "two day" exageration. Live up to your name, catchaclue. Worried about not receiving payment? Try accepting Paypal! Send the ball or send the money back when you receive it, you'll have them both. The ball is in your court.
Look for me in the upcoming PBA Tour! I'll be the guy in the back row with the foam finger singing "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" during the 7th inning.


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Re: CatchaClue Good Deal!
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2005, 08:12:24 PM »
I just want to say i had a great tranaction with catchaclue
He way fast to answer his email and shipping
would do it again in a heart beat.


Tony Banks

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Re: CatchaClue Good Deal!
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2005, 05:06:22 PM »
I agree with bowlergee. Thanks for an awesome ball catchaclue.
Look for me in the upcoming PBA Tour! I'll be the guy in the back row with the foam finger singing "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" during the 7th inning.