Well Monday afternoon, I decided to do something nice for the wife, so I got ahold of Charles about his Hybrid Dirty Bomb. Decided that I think this will go well with the wifes arsenal. Well then I had to throw a whole new wrench into the plan, and reqeust he get it shipped here by Wednesday so that I would have time to get it plugged and drilled for the wife for a tournement this Saturday. Well never feer, Charles and I agree'd on a price, and he went striaght down to fedex to get the ball out and on its way. It arrived this morning VIA Fedex, and I must say, Charles said this ball was in great shape for being a second drill, and WOW this thing is Imaculate. Oh and not to mention the plug work is AWSOME! I would highly recomend dealing with Charles in the Future, and more then likely the wife and I will buy from him again.
Its been a pleasure dealing with him!!!!!!
Thanks again Charles,
Proud Member of the FOS

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