Oh boy…where can I start? My only purpose for this post is to make you aware of my experience w/conspirator300’s as I’ve been left negative feedback on a transaction that never existed. I know I’m not a senior member on this forum, as I have just started bowling and joined this forum where I enjoy reading the reviews from other users. I’m very new to the way things work and things not to do. I’m sure though…In every forum relationships are meant to be built not to destroy.
I was ready to buy a ball from this kid, a used 15# radical inferno for his listed price of $45shipped. I wasn’t aware at the time that user’s feedbacks are posted in the profiles instead of in this sub-forum. So before I knew, I searched this forum, I found feedback that wasn’t very desirable. I confronted him with that and asked if he would CONSIDER sending 1st if I provided him with my references all 100%. Ebay, paypal, other forums, whatever. He declined calling that guy a total @$$. Saying he was like a business and wanted money first. To be honest, initially agreeing with his price with the first few messages, I thought conspirator300 to be a stand up kid. He wanted me to PM one other user for reference, but I declined and stated I think you’re a stand up guy, since he answered my pm’s so kindly. Also, asking one other person about him means nothing to me right now as I just started this forum and do not know who’s respected and who’s not. I asked if he would take a secure paypal payment+paypal fees. He declined. I asked him about suggestions to protect me as a buyer. No response. Without any suggestions I asked him if he would take $40 instead of his $45 dollar asking price. He declined. Towards the end of our conversation I did noticed his feedback located in his profile and ask him to let me know if he would find an agreement for the both of us. He replied he only wanted a M.O. first. So I replied not wanting to buy. I don't believe I was wrong. He gave 0% effort in working with me or giving me a suggestion to keep me safe as a buyer.
This is where the green eye monster emerged, he then sent me multiple messages back name calling with a bit of vulgar language in every message and called me an f’in Jew (<---?

). After the third or so message I warned him to abide by the rules of this forum and stop harassing me. He messaged me back saying he knows this person and that person and he can say whatever he wants to me and get away with it. Have you ever had a bum ask you for money and when you say “NO†he cusses you out? That’s how I felt. Or a baby that doesn’t get his way and tries to make you miserable? IDK he just started college so maybe he’s used to having his way with mommy at home, but get over it already. Don’t speak for everyone about sending first…I’ve had plenty of those types of transactions. And businesses give you refunds so don’t compare yourself to a business. I was polite to Chris the entire time, even when he went radical inferno on me. Not a person I would want to deal with… He maybe a good person and had good deals where he didn’t talk much, but this deal went south fast. Not for me. To top it off he left me negative feedback as a horrible buyer
herewhen all we both lost was a few minutes of click and send. This is the main reason I'm leaving this post. Like I said maybe for you, but not for me.
Bowling PadawanEdited on 7/20/2007 3:37 PM