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Author Topic: Dave Pucci (Please contact me immediately)  (Read 3921 times)


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Dave Pucci (Please contact me immediately)
« on: August 05, 2008, 07:43:17 AM »

I have been waiting for more contact information concerning my equipment, and have been more than patient.  I did not want to have to do this, but my messages have not been returned nor have phone calls been made to me.

I do truly understand your situation, but the problem is that my equipment should have been to me WAY before this occurred.  It has now been over three weeks and have not gotten all of my equipment, and contact has not been made after several statements on here and within messages.

Please contact me immediately to discuss the problem.  I have not received the tracking number in which the bals were supposedly shipped early last week for the second shipping, and they have still not yet arrived.

Thank you.
Levi Washburn

Edited on 8/5/2008 3:44 PM



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Re: Dave Pucci (Please contact me immediately)
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2008, 12:28:41 PM »

buyer was informed that 1 of the original balls that he paid for was returned to me damaged and i was waiting on reimbursement from ups to help cover expense of locating another one with same specs.

If I read this correctly .. the BUYER received all that he transacted for except one ball that was returned to sender! Seems the SELLER did everything he was expected to do including advising the BUYER! To me it looks like the BUYER is not satisfied in the time period to deliver 1 of 4 items where the BUYER was advised of the SELLERS problems.

The shipped ball being returned due to UPS problem and a HOUSE FIRE should give the SELLER a little SLACK .. however the BUYER wants the one more ball to get their faster then the SELLER can provide .. I see it all as a BUYER WHO DOESN'T WANT TO BELIEVE THE SELLER IS ACTING IN AN ACCEPTABLE FASHION.

From what I see the SELLER should be patted on the back for taking an obvious beating on this transaction.

Incidentally I don't know either BUYER or SELLER!  

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!

Monster Pike

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Re: Dave Pucci (Please contact me immediately)
« Reply #17 on: August 11, 2008, 03:12:53 PM »

buyer was informed that 1 of the original balls that he paid for was returned to me damaged and i was waiting on reimbursement from ups to help cover expense of locating another one with same specs.

If I read this correctly .. the BUYER received all that he transacted for except one ball that was returned to sender! Seems the SELLER did everything he was expected to do including advising the BUYER! To me it looks like the BUYER is not satisfied in the time period to deliver 1 of 4 items where the BUYER was advised of the SELLERS problems.

The shipped ball being returned due to UPS problem and a HOUSE FIRE should give the SELLER a little SLACK .. however the BUYER wants the one more ball to get their faster then the SELLER can provide .. I see it all as a BUYER WHO DOESN'T WANT TO BELIEVE THE SELLER IS ACTING IN AN ACCEPTABLE FASHION.

From what I see the SELLER should be patted on the back for taking an obvious beating on this transaction.

Incidentally I don't know either BUYER or SELLER!  

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O

Just a few things.  And I don't know the buyer or seller either.  But if you had read everything here you'd see the buyers side as well plus the fact they've come close to resolving this issue.  So here's some points I've gotten from this:  1.)  The fire did happen sure, but it also happened 3 weeks after they agreed to the deal.  2.) Then one of the balls was damaged during shipping, okay, but the buyer never received tracking numbers for any of the balls, therefore being kept in the dark.  3.)  After the fire & buyers numerous messaging & posting, he received communication from the sellers stepson & wife that the seller would be contacting him via phone.  According to buyer, that didn't happen until now.  

Now you want to "pat the seller on the back"?  Of course emergencies come up & the seller has to worry about bigger issues, no one is telling him not too.  Sure there has to be some compassion, but there has got to be a free moment here or there to update a party regarding a pending transaction.  Especially after 2 of his family members promised the buyer that he'd get back to him.  So they are coming to a resolution & hopefully everyone will be happy.

We all have our opinions, but now I've noticed you come to the defense of a lot of the BR members that are being questioned. I'm not so sure how you form these conclusions.

I wish the best for the seller with the loss of his house & belongings & hope he can recover what money he can.  But some things like pictures & mementos are irreplaceable.  But from what I see, communication was sorely lacking by the seller especially before the fire & somewhat after the fire.  Put yourself in both sides shoes from the very beginning of the deal & you just might see that.


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Re: Dave Pucci (Please contact me immediately)
« Reply #18 on: August 11, 2008, 04:11:49 PM »
I wonder HOW LONG IT TAKES BEFORE THE SELLER IS AWARE THAT THE MAILED ITEM IS BEING RETURNED? Is it possible the return came around the fire?

I'm not DEFENDING as you put it .. I'm trying to see the OTHER SIDE! Exactly WHAT did he do wrong?

Someone said the SELLER would be in TELEPHONE CONTACT .. but he wasn't .. wow ! ... time for the crucifixion! Indications are the TOTAL ORDER did go out in a timely manner .. seems to me we are discussing an item returned by the mail carrier that the SELLER was attempting to obtain a substitute .. how quickly can that be done while there are other MORE IMPORTANT things in the SELLERS life? I'm sure the BUYER is unable to function without the ONE BALL in question! It appears the SELLER was working on the replacement ..

even with all of that i was aware of what happened to levi's one ball and immediately began a search of places to find a replacement near the same specs as originally promised to him. yes the last thing from my mind was contacting him, but as soon as i found a replacement for him i tried to get it and i did and i was notified that it was finally delivered to me this past saturday via fedex.

Don't know what the ball in question was .. but .. tough to find a ball exactly as the one in question in a time frame that would satisfy a BUYER!

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: Dave Pucci (Please contact me immediately)
« Reply #19 on: August 11, 2008, 04:12:40 PM »

buyer was informed that 1 of the original balls that he paid for was returned to me damaged and i was waiting on reimbursement from ups to help cover expense of locating another one with same specs.

If I read this correctly .. the BUYER received all that he transacted for except one ball that was returned to sender! Seems the SELLER did everything he was expected to do including advising the BUYER! To me it looks like the BUYER is not satisfied in the time period to deliver 1 of 4 items where the BUYER was advised of the SELLERS problems.

The shipped ball being returned due to UPS problem and a HOUSE FIRE should give the SELLER a little SLACK .. however the BUYER wants the one more ball to get their faster then the SELLER can provide .. I see it all as a BUYER WHO DOESN'T WANT TO BELIEVE THE SELLER IS ACTING IN AN ACCEPTABLE FASHION.

From what I see the SELLER should be patted on the back for taking an obvious beating on this transaction.

Incidentally I don't know either BUYER or SELLER!  

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O

You are incorrect.

I have yet to receive two of my balls.  I was to receive three balls, and have YET to receive two of them.  The problem arises in that the balls were NOT sent out in any aspect of a reasonable manner, and then this house fire arises, which puts the seller even further behind schedule.  I have NEVER received tracking numbers for ANYTHING.  This is what you need to understand.  If I had any tracking numbers, I would be able to see the sole problem.  Other than the single ball that was damaged, where is my other ball in the mix?  He could have sent that one so I have an idea he is working to get the other one, or at least the tracking numbers!

Accidents do occur, but understand what you are trying to argue.  It has been over a month, and I have only gotten one of my three balls, and my bag.  Those came a week after sending a money order, and it has been three weeks since.  No contact was made to me by ANYONE regarding tracking numbers, or the problem with shipping other than it was returned.  No phone calls were made as promised, and no messages were returned until AFTER I threatened prosecution.

Thank you.


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Re: Dave Pucci (Please contact me immediately)
« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2008, 04:14:11 PM »
Again, read what I have said.  I understand he had a house fire, but if everything was done in a timely fashion in the beginning, the house fire would have happened FAR after the fact.

I wonder HOW LONG IT TAKES BEFORE THE SELLER IS AWARE THAT THE MAILED ITEM IS BEING RETURNED? Is it possible the return came around the fire?

I'm not DEFENDING as you put it .. I'm trying to see the OTHER SIDE! Exactly WHAT did he do wrong?

Someone said the SELLER would be in TELEPHONE CONTACT .. but he wasn't .. wow ! ... time for the crucifixion! Indications are the TOTAL ORDER did go out in a timely manner .. seems to me we are discussing an item returned by the mail carrier that the SELLER was attempting to obtain a substitute .. how quickly can that be done while there are other MORE IMPORTANT things in the SELLERS life? I'm sure the BUYER is unable to function without the ONE BALL in question! It appears the SELLER was working on the replacement ..

even with all of that i was aware of what happened to levi's one ball and immediately began a search of places to find a replacement near the same specs as originally promised to him. yes the last thing from my mind was contacting him, but as soon as i found a replacement for him i tried to get it and i did and i was notified that it was finally delivered to me this past saturday via fedex.

Don't know what the ball in question was .. but .. tough to find a ball exactly as the one in question in a time frame that would satisfy a BUYER!

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O


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Re: Dave Pucci (Please contact me immediately)
« Reply #21 on: August 11, 2008, 04:40:10 PM »
buyer has been contacted and situation is being taken care of.

buyer was informed that 1 of the original balls that he paid for was returned to me damaged and i was waiting on reimbursement from ups to help cover expense of locating another one with same specs.

was also notified that items will be sent out this week and when he should receive them by.

Only know what was written .. no one questioned this posting so it appeared to be correct! See no place where TWO BALLS MISSING is stated! I've presented my thoughts .. if it seems I'm defending .. there is no reason for me to take that action. I am only looking at possible reasons for the DELAY in delivery!

You want to call the SELLER a crook .. OK .. I'll go along with you .. I hope the SELLER settles with the MAILING SERVICE and his insurance company .. I also hope the BUYER finally gets his items purchased!

I haven't bought USED equipment in a while (bowling balls) and don't intend to do so in the future! Never would I buy a ball that I MUST HAVE right away! I would be lenient with any SELLER and always give them the benefit of doubt! Guess in MANY EYES I'd be considered a SUCKER .. But I have faith in my Piers.


Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: Dave Pucci (Please contact me immediately)
« Reply #22 on: August 11, 2008, 05:04:52 PM »

Hope you get everything squared around from your fire, Good luck.

Levi, hope you get your two balls and everything will be fine.



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Re: Dave Pucci (Please contact me immediately)
« Reply #23 on: August 11, 2008, 08:22:09 PM »
I have received a tracking number for confirmation, and look forward to the rest of my shipment to arrive.

If anyone could tell me how to lock this thread, I would be more than happy to do so.  Messages have been answered from me to DavePucci and everything has been squared away.