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Author Topic: drdeath1= Deadbeat buyer to the 10th degree!!!  (Read 1199 times)


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drdeath1= Deadbeat buyer to the 10th degree!!!
« on: October 27, 2006, 12:56:15 PM »
This user has wasted 2 weeks of my time and promised to send out payment 2 seperate times and now today sent me a message saying NOT INTERESTED after I questioned their seriousness about buying the ball I had for sale..

Kind of funny how this user supposedly sent the second payment out 3 days ago and now they are NOT INTERESTED. Gee do you suppose they never even sent the first payment much less the second one?

I recommend NOT dealing with this person or even bother to offer to sell or buy from them. They are a total waste of time.. I highly recommend putting user drdeath1 on your ignore list.. They are for sure on mine..

This might have been a scam from the beginning as this person gave me an address in Nanticoke, Pa 18634, which another user informed me scammed a couple of people on here out of some cash and equipment a year or so ago..

I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but this user did not tell the truth thruout our entire deal..

I am not out any equipment, just time and frustration of this user lying and saying the payment was sent when they had no intentions of buying anything..

One day when I grow up I hope to be able to throw the ball AND carry as good as g_thing!!

Edited on 10/27/2006 9:01 PM

Edited on 10/27/2006 9:43 PM

Edited on 10/28/2006 8:36 AM

Edited on 11/3/2006 11:16 PM
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Re: drdeath1= Deadbeat buyer to the 10th degree!!!
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2006, 04:32:11 AM »

If I might ask, what is yor profession?
If you'd rather not publicize, please message me.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: drdeath1= Deadbeat buyer to the 10th degree!!!
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2006, 07:08:03 AM »
Really, I meant no disrespect to that town or anyone that lives there.. I was sent a PM by a respected roomie and he told me about a user from that town that ripped some people off on here awhile back. I have the name and address this drdeath1 user gave me, but I did not post it.. It is available to anyone that PM's me..

I am sure your rep is just fine here and sorry if you where offended.. Just very frustrating to have a user do this to multiple people..

I'm from nanticoke pa. and I would hate to be grouped in with this loser so just to let everyone know- It's not me. I have had several trades on here and most of the guys on here are good guys who just like to swap equipment but there is always one in every crowd.

One day when I grow up I hope to be able to throw the ball AND carry as good as g_thing!!
Radical Bowling Technologies ...Its more than just an Attitude!


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Re: drdeath1= Deadbeat buyer to the 10th degree!!!
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2006, 08:31:38 AM »

thats all well and good but why did you tell me you send the 1st payment 10/16 when you knew it was never sent? If you where waiting on this settlement the entire time, you should have told everyonr you had potential deals with, that this was the case instead of lying..

I commend you for aplogizing to everyone and if you still want the ball from me, just be honest and send the payment like you said you would and I will give you positive feeback upon the payments arrival..

Its up to you at this point..
One day when I grow up I hope to be able to throw the ball AND carry as good as g_thing!!
Radical Bowling Technologies ...Its more than just an Attitude!


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Re: drdeath1= Deadbeat buyer to the 10th degree!!!
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2006, 08:44:09 AM »

I am attmepting to work our origonal deal out with drdeath1. I will keep everyone posted on what happens. I am thinking this user used some very bad judgement but they have apologized for their actions..

One day when I grow up I hope to be able to throw the ball AND carry as good as g_thing!!
Radical Bowling Technologies ...Its more than just an Attitude!


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Re: drdeath1= Deadbeat buyer to the 10th degree!!!
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2006, 09:39:01 AM »
DRDEATH1 .. hope things work out for you! Be careful in the future .. make sure you've learned from this experience. From what I see no one was hurt FINANCIALLY here .. lets say you got lucky this time .. My prayers will be with you .. count your blessings and BE CAREFUL!
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Re: drdeath1= Deadbeat buyer to the 10th degree!!!
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2006, 10:27:03 PM »
Ok I gave this person another chance (for some reason) after reading how sorry they where in this post and still no payment after almost 3 weeks. I was promised payment 4 times this week and something always happened, emergency here, emergency there... Whatever.. It takes minutes to pay someone with paypal, get real!!

Why do people do this crap, why?? If you want to buy something do it, if not, don't waste people's time lying over and over..

The bottom line is this: DO NOT deal with this user. SHE is a total waste of time, period..
One day when I grow up I hope to be able to throw the ball AND carry as good as g_thing!!

Edited on 11/3/2006 11:20 PM
Radical Bowling Technologies ...Its more than just an Attitude!


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Re: drdeath1= Deadbeat buyer to the 10th degree!!!
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2006, 07:05:10 AM »
Looks like some people NEVER learn (referring to DRDEATH1)!
Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!