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Author Topic: eolson78 - reconciled  (Read 10322 times)


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eolson78 - reconciled
« on: December 10, 2005, 02:24:16 PM »
This is a new seller on here and has posted a few rare balls on here recently (i,e., Turbo X, Hammers, Helix). I wanted to buy the Helix and he agreed that I could send half up front, and send the rest upon receipt. I sent out the MO a few days ago, and not far, so it should've arrived by now. I wrote to ask, and no reply for 2 days. Now this is his first deal and it hasn't been too long, but still, being a new seller, he needs to maintain communication on here and if you were thinking of buying from him, you may wanna hold off for now.

Yeah, so he said he shipped the ball parcel post, so no proof of shipment, and if something happens, no insurance, so this deal is all wrong. I just hope i see the ball, because i do have the info I need if I don't.

He wrote me today and let me know it was his brother using his SN on here. He refunded my $40 and did it very, very quickly through Western Union. Was very courteous and will not hold this against him.

Edited on 12/31/2005 0:20 AM



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Re: eolson78 - reconciled
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2005, 10:52:45 PM »
There have been a number of older NIB Hammers going for sick money on eBay.  I saw the $75 that he was asking and was immediately concerned.  I hope everything turns out OK for all parties involved.  You stated what should be first and foremost in a deal, communication.  I'm in the middle of a rather strange deal where the post office did a number on a piece of mail that was being used for a grip order and came back looking like it had been through WWII.  I was all set to lambaste the seller for not providing my product and the post office sent my check back to me from Des Moines.
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Re: eolson78 - reconciled
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2005, 08:15:53 PM »
i saw the prices were kind of low, which is why i agreed to only do half up front. but they were all discontinued, so i wasn't worried about a JeffSenior incident. but still, who could pass up those prices.


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Re: eolson78 - reconciled
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2005, 05:54:54 PM »
ok, the MO company said that it was cashed yesterday and i can get this verified easier, so incase he doesn't write, which he should have by now, hwt can i do to bust this guy? i won't unless he doesn't write for awhile, but will if nothing is done soon. so just taking precautions right now.


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Re: eolson78 - reconciled
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2005, 03:51:20 AM »
exactly, he has written back saying that he received the MO like this

Yep. Got the MO and cashed it yesterday afternoon. I will ship the ball out tomorrow. Thanks for being a dick so far on all of this though. I apprecite it. Makes me want to do more deals with you, he doesn't seem to understand that i had a reason to be worried about my shipment, since he had time to cash the MO, but not time to write me, and that was a great way for him to tell mes...thank a lot!! i really son't appreciate be called that, especially when i have done nothing wrong, but that's fine.

Edited on 12/14/2005 4:43 AM


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Re: eolson78 - reconciled
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2005, 08:40:12 AM »
well, another message, another insult, and some new excuses, but so far the bottom line is that my ball should go out today. no reason not to trust him, he's just not friendly and doesn't communicate well. i explained that very few BR members would tolerate it, but as long as i get my ball, i'm not gonna complain about his business practices, but man...what a jerk!!


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Re: eolson78 - reconciled
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2005, 01:38:16 PM »
Well, if you sent a money order, you have a name and address.  That is always helpful in persuing legal action if necessary... one of the reasons PAYPAL is able to assist the crooks... able to hide their identity beind paypal.. so worst case and nothing shows up, you can file a fraud complaint...

-Strapper Squared

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Re: eolson78 - reconciled
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2005, 06:25:32 PM »
You only wait long enough for the MO to get there, let alone enough time for it to be cashed, then post a possible negative feedback for the guy.  As soon as you found out he cashed it and didn't immediately contact you, you want to bust him without giving him 4-5 days to ship the ball to you.  Unless you exchanged email addresses, a PM is the only way he could have written you and not everyone logs on every day.  Most of us would find time, but it's a busy time of the year for many.  I agree he shouldn't have used foul language, but you didn't exactly hand out the peace pipe.
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Re: eolson78 - reconciled
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2005, 08:00:23 PM »
You only wait long enough for the MO to get there, let alone enough time for it to be cashed, then post a possible negative feedback for the guy.  As soon as you found out he cashed it and didn't immediately contact you, you want to bust him without giving him 4-5 days to ship the ball to you.  Unless you exchanged email addresses, a PM is the only way he could have written you and not everyone logs on every day.  Most of us would find time, but it's a busy time of the year for many.  I agree he shouldn't have used foul language, but you didn't exactly hand out the peace pipe.

it would be a different story entirely if he was a trusted BR member who was selling a ball at a reasonable price. maybe the fact that he's new and sold the ball at an amazing price is ebough for me to be somewhat skeptical. i made it clear in my post that i meant nothing negative yet and that i said there is no reason not to trust him on his sale post and on here. new members need to earn the respect and then i would be more understanding, especially after what happened last month, i'm sure everyone's going to be a little cautious from now on. just saying that under the circumstances, he should have wrote me. it's common courtesy.


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Re: eolson78 - reconciled
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2005, 08:16:00 PM »
You titled the post "Watch out for Now", and your third post talked about "busting him" the day after he cashed the MO.  Like I said, he should have written, but I would have taken offense by your choice of words as well.  If he's new here, he might not know there have been some rip off artists and that good communication eases the mind.  Plus, we've had plenty of people constantly write the other party telling them all sorts of lies.  Just because someone tells you their pristine condition ball has been shipped with the utmost care doesn't necessarily make it true.  IMO, you should have waited until the conclusion of the transaction, or an appropriate time after which it should have been, then posted your feedback.  Something like "delivered merchandise as promised, but no communication or tracking information provided".
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Tony Banks

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Re: eolson78 - reconciled
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2005, 09:50:53 PM »
Aside from the negative connotation of "busting" I for one would see it wise to let others know about anything suspicious. As a new user myself, I don't expect to sell several of my rare balls at really good prices, as for the money in advance, and not expect people to be skeptical. Perhaps Bigearv shouldn't have gone into hypatheticals on a feedback forum, but I for one am glad to be informed of the current situation so that I at least know that the seller isn't a regular here and hasn't established a reputation. That way when I make a decision on whether or not to purchase from a person, it as at least an informed one.
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Re: eolson78 - reconciled
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2005, 06:12:15 AM »
looks like everything will go as planned,.haven't heard much from him, but that's nothing new from him. he says he shipped, but parcel post, so no conf. number, so i'll just have to wait a while.


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Re: eolson78 - reconciled
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2005, 06:32:33 AM »
You are more understanding that me..

Why do people send stuff parcel post?? Its so slow and as cost just a few bucks less than priority mail.. There is also no way to track it so god knows where its at or when it will get to its destination..

I always ask if how someone plans to ship and if they say parcel post, I say no thanks, sell the ball elsewhere..

Its really just common sense.. How would you feel telling someone this"

"Your ball has been shipped parcel post, but I have no tracking number or proof that I sent it and I also have no idea when it will show up and I did not insure it"

If someone tells me that, we are going to have a HUGE problem..

ALWAYS send stuff using fed ex or ups ground so a tracking number can be provided for both parties..



Edited on 12/16/2005 7:25 AM
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Re: eolson78 - reconciled
« Reply #13 on: December 17, 2005, 07:54:40 PM »
yeah, but i guess as poorly as this deal is going right now, i'm happy to hear any news of him shipping, whether he did or not. i really don't feel like i'm being too apprehensive. the newer member are attacking me on here, but the veteran members are appreciative of my warning, so i think i'll go with the guys who know what they're talking about. thanks guys!

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Re: eolson78 - reconciled
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2005, 12:28:59 AM »
all he has said to me is, " balls will be shipped tomorrow"

but he is on ebay bidding on bowling balls.
Paul Smith
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