I have had excellent sales,trades or purchases with the following people on here and would do deals with any of them again. Sorry if I missed anyone.
1. 1fife=purchased
2. BeansProShop=purchased
3. BuddiesProShopcom - Bill=purchased
4. Ga1tor,=purchased twice
5. Gene J Kanak, traded and purchased I think
6. Jackson=sold
7. lefty50=sold
8. Leftyhi-trak=traded
9. lion95=sold two items
10. mrtappedalot=sold
11. O=purchased
12. pinheaddx=sold
13. TECH SUPPORT=purchased
14. White_Trash_Ball_Driller=trade/sale
15. RandyO=trade
16. king pin=sale
17. luvswatch=sale
I should just quit bowling, oh wait I already tried that.
Now that I am back and my Saws are sharp again, I am ready to cut some wood.