Do the right thing or stop f'ing with people. Your bills are your problem, not someone that has sent you money in good faith. "Good Faith"= something a irresponsible KID does not understand.
You are the one that is out of your mind. When you F*** Up, as you did, YOU MAN UP and accept responsibility and do the right thing. Didn't Mommy and Daddy teach you that? Don't answer that, I know they didn't, they told you how wonderful you were your entire life.
Here's real life, which hopefully one day you'll actually face when you are wrong--YOU MAKE IT RIGHT. EVEN IF YOU LOSE MONEY TO DO IT. Man up and SHUT UP. Otherwise, stop selling dishonestly.
38$ dollars to send back? You are out of your mind. Take 90 - 38, to get 52$ dollars profit.. Then send 38 back to him, for a 14 dollar profit? And subtract 160 from 14, and be 146 dollars down on two balls? Crazy talk.
Stand left, throw it right, and strap it like a trojan!! 
Don't argue with an idiot people watching may not be able to tell the difference.