He is NOT a standup person. Look back in threads dating to almost a year ago, if not more. You will find where someone claimed he died, then when called out, suddenly he was not so dead. Multiple times has he been involved with deals that just did not go right. Personaly, if you have his name, address, etc, I would give him one more chance, state if no response is given, you are going to assume has not and is not going to complete his end of the deal which will force you to get the local police involved. Since I believe someone did this last year, I do not thik they are going to like to go back to him again for the same reason. Bet you that gets him to answer.
Also, don't let him say I will do something and leave it open ended. Tell him if you do not have a working tracking number by X date, you are going to call the police. Anyone can send you a tracking number and just one number off makes it bogus and he can say, oops, thats what I had and now I do not know where the number is and that gives him more time to figure out what to do.