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Author Topic: Has anyone did a deal with user BOWL?  (Read 2670 times)


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Has anyone did a deal with user BOWL?
« on: March 18, 2006, 03:58:05 AM »
This user has been posting alot of posts in the for sale section the past week and was curious if anyone has done any deals with him.. This user claims to be the owner of Binghams Bowling Supply??

Just trying to be proactive and not get taken again like I did with that jeffseniorpba guy last year..
The 2006 Slump is here...

Edited on 3/18/2006 1:09 PM

Edited on 3/18/2006 1:09 PM
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Re: Has anyone did a deal with user BOWL?
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2006, 12:43:19 PM »
I know I sent him a pm about how many posts he has, 4, about wanting to buy a Big One, and I got an email about he'll post any amount of times that he wants. I simply wanted to tell him about TTT, and I could see where he would take it in a negative way, but I got a smart-allec response back from him.  So take that what it's worth!!  If he is the owner of a bowling supply place y would he need to buy the big one on here?  If I'm wrong, I apologize, but who knows?
He has also been placed on my ignore list, blocked from emails with myself.  

AIM: GordoJ52
Email: GordoJ52@AOL.COM

Mess with the fire of the Infernos and you get burned!!!

Edited on 3/18/2006 1:46 PM

Edited on 3/18/2006 1:46 PM

Edited on 3/18/2006 2:18 PM


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Re: Has anyone did a deal with user BOWL?
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2006, 01:02:32 PM »
He also had several post on here touting a roto-grip Oracle. I thought about buying it at first, but every post had a different price and a different shipping cost.

 Made me a little leary of them.

  Might be a good dealer, just didn't understand the multiple posts with the multiple prices.

P.S. and he is also on my ignore list for a smart-alecky pm he sent me.

Edited on 3/18/2006 2:03 PM
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Re: Has anyone did a deal with user BOWL?
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2006, 04:03:00 PM »
just receieved another email from this user acting as if he was going to tattle on me to this ballreviews community for asking him to not be rude and have proper etiqutte in emails and pms.  I would definitely not deal with this user, but that has been my experience with him.  I politely replied to his email to do whatever it is he's gotta do, but I've done close if not over 30 deals in a year without complaint and he's free to do whatever he needs to.  

AIM: GordoJ52
Email: GordoJ52@AOL.COM

Mess with the fire of the Infernos and you get burned!!!


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Re: Has anyone did a deal with user BOWL?
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2006, 05:11:52 PM »
Here is a pm he sent me the other day shamelessly plugging for no reason.

You should try They will save you money. Especially since I am the owner. LOL.


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Re: Has anyone did a deal with user BOWL?
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2006, 11:56:43 PM »
Lol.. yea I know what you mean Rotofan. Thanks for speaking first. I too agree. He said his rs-x has a 7 inch span!? Wth! I know some pro athletes and freaks bowl, but 7 inch span? Im sorry. If that doesnt yell hoax and those out rageously low b/s claims, then I dont know what else does.


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Re: Has anyone did a deal with user BOWL?
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2006, 08:08:58 AM »
Well, I would avoid him right now.  It looks like I've been had.  I paid him for an Oracle and now no responses to my messages or emails although he's posted several times since.  Unfortunately, I was out of town so I didn't see this thread untill too late. I had seen his posts in the normal forums several times and I had recalled he mentioned being owner of binghambowling supply so I thought he was legit.


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Re: Has anyone did a deal with user BOWL?
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2006, 08:17:43 AM »
I'd have to second the "stay away from him" opinion.

His posts aren't well written and aren't very informative. Also, he has two posts in the beginner's board, asking questions I would think would concern any intelligent individual (in regards to someone who supposedly "owns" a Pro Shop)... (See below)

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Re: Has anyone did a deal with user BOWL?
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2006, 08:40:10 AM »
He told me his name was Grant and he was the owner of Binghams Bowling  Supply. I had his email address and it was an aol address I believe.. He seemed legit to me in our emails..
The 2006 Slump is here...

Edited on 3/23/2006 10:45 AM
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Re: Has anyone did a deal with user BOWL?
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2006, 10:01:35 AM »

Unfortunately, due to some past problems, this is what happens now. Many people were taken by the Jeffseniorpba guy, and there have been others as well. When someone pays for something, if the person they are buying it from does not respond in a timely manner, then they automatically think of everything else that has happened and the warnings go out. When someone sees someone posting everyday for a while, and multiple times a day, and then a message or messages is not returned for 3 days with no shipping info, then they think the person took their $$ and ran, just like before.

While everyone on here understands problems can and will happen, all of this will be cleared up upon arrival of the product. Achappy and JKiser and the rest here are stand up people, so they will give you good feedback as long as everything goes well.

Clint Daley-Owner
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Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460

Edited on 3/23/2006 11:01 AM


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Re: Has anyone did a deal with user BOWL?
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2006, 10:02:54 AM »
Well I am reading these and I have to defend myself. I am here trying to sell some older bowling equipment for a friend of mine that I bowl with. She does not know much about doing that. My prices are low. I just want to ged rid of all of this. I did not answer the one guy because I was having trouble sending e-mail. I am a good seller. As for the span issue, that is what I measured it at. I guess I was wrong. Give me a break. People can be wrong. I am disappointed with all of this. I never expected people to turn on me. I thought this would be fun. I guess not.

Sorry you feel this way but people on here are very leary of new sellers because of past experiences of other bad users such as jeffseniorpba. That user stole $85 from me personally and over $1000 from mutiple users on here..

Once you have a couple of successful transactions here and people post good feedback on you, things will be fine. I will say that communication is very important when selling/buying on here. Even if your email was down, you should have sent a message to the user on here and let him know the ball is on the way and always send a tracking number as well..

Buying and selling on here for me is still fun, but I have learned to be very careful with all the scams going on nowadays..
The 2006 Slump is here...

Edited on 3/23/2006 11:04 AM
Radical Bowling Technologies ...Its more than just an Attitude!


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Re: Has anyone did a deal with user BOWL?
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2006, 10:05:58 AM »
I did not answer the one guy because I was having trouble sending e-mail

As indicated in my pm, I only resorted to bringing this up because I sent a few messages and emails since payment and in that time you had posted several times so you had to have at least received the ballreviews messages.

When I receive the ball, I'll gladly post positive feedback and indicate that it was probably a little hastey on my part but this thread made me a little nervous.


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Re: Has anyone did a deal with user BOWL?
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2006, 10:07:53 AM »
I did not answer the one guy because I was having trouble sending e-mail

As indicated in my pm, I only resorted to bringing this up because I sent a few messages and emails since payment and in that time you had posted several times so you had to have at least received the ballreviews messages.

When I receive the ball, I'll gladly post positive feedback and indicate that it was probably a little hastey on my part but this thread made me a little nervous.

I would have felt and done the same thing!! If you are sending messages to someone and getting no replies and you see them posting new messages, that can raise the red flag for some..

Just post feedback on this user when you get the ball and like I said earler, everything will be just fine then..
The 2006 Slump is here...
Radical Bowling Technologies ...Its more than just an Attitude!


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Re: Has anyone did a deal with user BOWL?
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2006, 11:09:25 PM »
Just an update....received the ball today and it's exactly as described.  I admit to jumping the gun but everything worked out in the end.


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Re: Has anyone did a deal with user BOWL?
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2006, 01:43:52 PM »
Hey, don't listen to jkiser01 as he's a midget and g thing is a bald old fart so he won't remember anything tomorrow!!!
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