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Author Topic: hawkeye4life is NOT TO BE TRUSTED  (Read 4123 times)


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hawkeye4life is NOT TO BE TRUSTED
« on: November 05, 2006, 03:38:47 PM »
I hoped I would never have to post negative feedback about anyone, but after seeing this thread, I couldn't believe that more has not been discussed in this particular forum.

This is my 2nd experience with this user and the first was not impressive, either.  I bought a Forest Green Quantum, sent him money within 5 minutes of agreement on a price, and then waited through several excuses and PMs before finally receiving my ball nearly a month later.

This post will go bye-bye if and when I get either my money or my equipment, as well as everyone else who has had a problem resulting from this particular "For Sale" thread.

If you need to be refunded or taken care of somehow, it would be a good idea to post what Adam needs to do to make your particular situation right.  Further, if no action is taken, we can make a list of all of the VICTIMS OF FRAUD right here and proceed with legal action.  Apparently enough people are having problems here that this could result in a very unhappy and ugly situation for our dear friend Adam, who's reputation here has been good in the past.

For me, I either need a refund of $140 via Paypal, or a NIB Pain and a NIB Doom delivered to my door.  My money was sent via Paypal on 10/15, and I have only recieved PMs that contained excuses, but no equipment and no refund.  One of the excuses: "the money won't go through for some reason" (referring to refunding me via Paypal).

What a crock.

~Predicting my next opponent runs into a BUZZSAW!

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Re: hawkeye4life is NOT TO BE TRUSTED
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2006, 05:47:33 AM »
His company he has been working has been sending him all over. Hasn't been home in a few weeks. I seen at BBE it was 11-1-06 that he was on there last.

Enjoy the people on the forum. Like to help when I can.

Edited on 11/6/2006 7:15 AM


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Re: hawkeye4life is NOT TO BE TRUSTED
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2006, 06:07:55 AM »
for the record guys hawkeye has not been on BBE for some time either, last we had heard he was doing an extreme amount of travel for work, although not an excuse, I do know he is away from home.  I will see if I can get in touch with him for you guys.  Having completed roughly 5 transactions myself with him, I find it odd that you guys are having trouble, all of mine went flawlessly

Made member of the Lane #1 Mafia

Gene J Kanak

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Re: hawkeye4life is NOT TO BE TRUSTED
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2006, 06:25:08 AM »
I'll echo triggerman's thoughts on this one. Hawkeye has been around for a long time, and I think that 99% of his transactions have been known to have gone well. If things aren't running that way now, my gut tells me that there's got to be a good reason. I certainly don't blame any of you for being upset about the way things are going with your deals, but I believe that you will be taken care of in the end. Best of luck.
I've only bowled 300, but I've benched 345


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Re: hawkeye4life is NOT TO BE TRUSTED
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2006, 06:33:56 AM »
If any thing can be done rest assured that triggerman will do what he can.

 I know it doesnt make it right but trigg will do all he can.

for the record guys hawkeye has not been on BBE for some time either, last we had heard he was doing an extreme amount of travel for work, although not an excuse, I do know he is away from home.  I will see if I can get in touch with him for you guys.  Having completed roughly 5 transactions myself with him, I find it odd that you guys are having trouble, all of mine went flawlessly

Made member of the Lane #1 Mafia

Enjoy the people on the forum. Like to help when I can.

Edited on 11/6/2006 7:28 AM


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Re: hawkeye4life is NOT TO BE TRUSTED
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2006, 06:45:33 AM »
does anybody know who he works for. i think they need to know there employee is breaking the law. i know people who work for us have been fired for a minor misdemeanors. our company will not stand for anything shady. our rep is to important to risk anything that could be looked at as fraud. nobody wants to allow a crook to have access to there computers. if he will steal from us he will steal from them. there is big money in company secrets he would have access to.


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Re: hawkeye4life is NOT TO BE TRUSTED
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2006, 06:52:21 AM »
I am totally with sawfreak, legal action needs to be taken against hawkeye, I am tired of all the excuses you guys are making up for the reason he is not living up to his commitments. I paid him the same night as his post(10/10/06)and have got several bad excuses and lately no communication at all. If any legal action can be taken collectively, I am all for it!!!!!


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Re: hawkeye4life is NOT TO BE TRUSTED
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2006, 06:55:00 AM »
I had looked at hawkeye4life's ball listings, and the prices in my opinion seemed "to good to be true", even though the Storm Spit Fire is high on my want list.  So I opted to let it rest; and reminded that I could probably with a little work, get a close to similar price with allstarbowling-joe (my #1 internet supplier) at a later date.

I do realize, as others have stated, that the seller in question, has a really good record, if not Great, here and other ball trading posts on the Internet.  

I feel sorry for both parties involved; things do happen (ie job, dependency, financial problems, ton of other reason), life goes on, given time I hope for the sake of the board and it's users that it works out for the best.  I'd give it a few more highly patient days before any legal or very emotional resolves occur.  

I do think; a refund offer(especially through any PayPal purchases that were made; and simple easy click or two...Internet access fairly easy to get these days) should be in order to all buyers regardless of the seller's circumstances. That would be fair solution but financially on pre-purchased ball inventories by the seller, would be tough to stomach. The Internet can get rough; been there a few times myself.

Hope for a kindly resolve for both parties. I hate to hear about these kind of stories; it shouldn't happen.

Edited on 11/6/2006 8:03 AM

Gene J Kanak

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Re: hawkeye4life is NOT TO BE TRUSTED
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2006, 06:58:44 AM »
Good for you cmurder. Don't give him a chance to make things right; just go ahead and take him down. That's what this country is all about these days, right? Turn the screws whenever you get the chance. It would be one thing if this was another Jeff Smith PBA (fraudulent user) situation, but Hawk has been an established user and trusted trader/seller for a long time. While I certainly understand all of your frustration, I don't think this situation warrants legal action, at least not at this point. If he goes into hiding or tells you to suck it, he's not going to give you anything, then do what you need to do. But, for pete's sake, does it really have to go that far right away?
I've only bowled 300, but I've benched 345

T Brockette

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Re: hawkeye4life is NOT TO BE TRUSTED
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2006, 07:01:48 AM »
If he's a regular on BBE, then he IS a complete IDIOT!!!

Boy this is an intelligent statement. Have you ever dealt with hawkeye, because that is what this post is about. Or are you just showing your ignorance in a blanket statemant about people who visit another site. I am a regular on BBE and I take offense to your statement you arrogant jerk.

Lane#1 Mafia Enforcer...........All other balls sleeps with the fishes.

FOS - Simple.....To the point....Nuff said.
Tracy Brockette – Lone Star House Hack


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Re: hawkeye4life is NOT TO BE TRUSTED
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2006, 08:02:14 AM »
Sent him $145 for a Cobalt Solid on 10/17/06. Asked for a refund on the 27th. Still waiting as of 11/06/06.

Cobalt Bomb Solid
Cobalt Bomb Pearl
Tsunami H2O



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Re: hawkeye4life is NOT TO BE TRUSTED
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2006, 08:29:36 AM »
If he's a regular on BBE, then he IS a complete IDIOT!!!

Boy this is an intelligent statement. Have you ever dealt with hawkeye, because that is what this post is about. Or are you just showing your ignorance in a blanket statemant about people who visit another site. I am a regular on BBE and I take offense to your statement you arrogant jerk.

Lane#1 Mafia Enforcer...........All other balls sleeps with the fishes.

FOS - Simple.....To the point....Nuff said.

No arrogance here, just stating the facts. Any site run by a butt pirate is whacked!!

Butt Pirate?  I'll have you know I run most of the day to day operations on there Steve, and I take offense to that.  Whatever traspired between you and BK is your business and I could care less, but BBE is and always will be taken care of day to day by myself and 3 other admins, who care how the site is ran and the image we convey. (and no I am not the owner or either site)

Sorry for the hi-jack all, I have sent a message as well as an email to Adam asking him to please rectify this situation for those involved.  for those of us not involved, please lets use this thread for what its author intended it to be

Made member of the Lane #1 Mafia


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Re: hawkeye4life is NOT TO BE TRUSTED
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2006, 08:32:39 AM »
Rev-o maybe Hose was right all the time about you?  

I think the butt-pirate comment is because you are on the receiving end all the time.
The man is back!


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Re: hawkeye4life is NOT TO BE TRUSTED
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2006, 08:33:15 AM »
yeah, i'll apologize for the hijack of this thread, but that's it.


nothing against YOU personally, I forgot you were still involved with THAT site. I'm sure you know of all the posts on ALLBOWLING that were very disturbing to say the least make by REVZILLA of AARON himself. I'm really tired of there crap, I let it go LONG AGO, and they keep hashing it up, so I guess I'll just stoop to there level!!


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Re: hawkeye4life is NOT TO BE TRUSTED
« Reply #14 on: November 06, 2006, 09:06:54 AM »

Sign #23 that the apocalypse is upon us.

Hawkeye offers smokin' deals that are bogus and people begin to turn on one and other in the aftermath.

Hawkeye may have been a standup guy in the past, that's fine.  However, he posted an offer for equipment.  Did he have this equipment?  I appears that he did not.  Wrong.  Big time.  Don't give me these "job coincidences" or "life changing events" as an excuse.  Sooner or later, the truth needs to be revealed.
Save this site's bandwidth.  Don't write a novel. Please keep your signature to a minimum.