I hoped I would never have to post negative feedback about anyone, but after seeing
this thread, I couldn't believe that more has not been discussed in this particular forum.
This is my 2nd experience with this user and the first was not impressive, either. I bought a Forest Green Quantum, sent him money within 5 minutes of agreement on a price, and then waited through several excuses and PMs before finally receiving my ball nearly a month later.
This post will go bye-bye if and when I get either my money or my equipment, as well as everyone else who has had a problem resulting from this particular "For Sale" thread.
If you need to be refunded or taken care of somehow, it would be a good idea to post what Adam needs to do to make your particular situation right. Further, if no action is taken, we can make a list of all of the VICTIMS OF FRAUD right here and proceed with legal action. Apparently enough people are having problems here that this could result in a very unhappy and ugly situation for our dear friend Adam, who's reputation here has been good in the past.
For me, I either need a refund of $140 via Paypal, or a NIB Pain and a NIB Doom delivered to my door. My money was sent via Paypal on 10/15, and I have only recieved PMs that contained excuses, but no equipment and no refund. One of the excuses: "the money won't go through for some reason" (referring to refunding me via Paypal).
What a crock.
Predicting my next opponent runs into a BUZZSAW!
Proud original member-