stso i have admitted i was wrong and now i am paying everyone back i am getting a loan so i can pay everyone back soon. i already have the preaproval. i understand why you are doing what you are doing i really do i just ask that you hold off on the cops thing because i do have a solution so i can pay everyone back. i will prove it too once i get the preaproval papers, i know me paying everyone back doesnt make what i did any better but atleast everyeone will get there money back i will even pay people back more that what they paid me if thats what they want i just want to get this taken care of so all of us can move on with our lives. i know that you guys dont enjoy posting this stuff just as much as i dont enjoy it either but i have to take responsibility and thats what im doing im sorry i didnt get the loan sooner, but when i called paypal they said that they would refund your money and then just make my account negative. but i guess the never thought to ask if these were ebay transactions or not. but again i can never say im sorry enough i know that and most of you prolly dont care about me as you shouldnt but i am going to make this right, everyone will get there money back plus some extra if thats what it takes to make them happy. thank you for your time adam
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Im the Chuck Norris of the F.O.S