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Author Topic: IKETOWN300 . .BEWARE..Falco DELIVERED 4/17  (Read 13424 times)


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« on: April 11, 2006, 01:45:13 PM »
I am the winner of a RAFFLE held by IKE on March 3 2006. The raffle had 10 tickets for $15 each. The winner could choose any NIB ball excluding LANE1 and LEGENDS! Being the winner I advised IKE that my choice was a TRACK MACHINE on March 12. NOTE: Ike never was in contact with me to advise of my winning .. I initiated the contacts!

There has been an exchange of Email's with he and I .. him making numerous excuses and me making plenty of requests for delivery. His latest note claims that he is at college and his SUPPLIER was on VACATION. He stated that the ball would be in the mail on April 5. As of today I have not received the ball .. a TRACKING NUMBER or heard any more from him.

Ike had run a NUMBER OF RAFFLES earlier in the year and at that time I started a posting to verify that the balls were being delivered. Apparently he was honoring all the RAFFLES and winning BR members reported satisfaction.

EVIDENTLY IKE has changed his position. I think he has NO INTENTION to make good this delivery. In NOT DELIVERING he has done me WRONG in that I did not receive something I gambled on and WON .. and it works out that he cheated NINE other members who were in the raffle buying entries in GOOD FAITH!

I have written numerous Email's to IKE and his responses lead me to believe he is NOT TO BE TRUSTED .. Even if I eventually get the ball .. the aggravation is NOT WORTH IT.

I suggest IKE be considered A BAD CHOICE to do business with from this point forward!

I would appreciate it if BR members bombard IKETOWN300 with mail asking: WHY HASN'T JOE FALCO RECEIVED HIS WINNING BALL FROM THE MARCH 3 RAFFLE?


Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O

Edited on 4/11/2006 9:44 PM

Edited on 4/11/2006 9:49 PM

Edited on 4/17/2006 11:29 AM
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


Gene J Kanak

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« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2006, 09:29:10 AM »
I've done a few deals with Ike and have never had any problems whatsoever. I'm sorry that a couple of you are having issues, but I think it's a bit much to go around bashing the hell out of a reputable seller, especially when all that you're losing here is a bit of time.

It seems as if he plans to get you your gear or your money back, ergo, you won't be losing anything. I certainly understand that part of being a good seller involves shipping in a timely fashion, but you must understand that he cannot ship you what he does not have in his possession. If he is waiting on his supplier to get you what you want, all he can do is wait until he is delivered the goods so that he can get them to you.

I'm not saying that Ike is 100% in the right here. It sounds as if he's gotten himself over extended and cannot meet his demand in a timely fashion. You must realize, though, that Ike is not selling things in the traditional format. He does not have boxes of balls sitting in his room waiting to go out. He is offereing you the chance to get anything you want. By doing that,  he must wait for you to give him your request and then set out to get the balls from his supplier. That leaves a lot of people involved and means that he is waiting just like you are.

I understand that, since you are dealing only with him, you're going to put the blame on him. That's fine; I would probably feel the same. However, I don't think that everyone else is justified in piling on. Ike has been around this board for a while now, and I've never heard of anyone getting ripped off by him. I for one, will not hesitate to do business with him again, if the opportunity presents itself.
I've only bowled 300, but I've benched 345 : )
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Big Columbia

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« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2006, 09:39:00 AM »
I've done a few deals with Ike and have never had any problems whatsoever. I'm sorry that a couple of you are having issues, but I think it's a bit much to go around bashing the hell out of a reputable seller, especially when all that you're losing here is a bit of time.

It seems as if he plans to get you your gear or your money back, ergo, you won't be losing anything. I certainly understand that part of being a good seller involves shipping in a timely fashion, but you must understand that he cannot ship you what he does not have in his possession. If he is waiting on his supplier to get you what you want, all he can do is wait until he is delivered the goods so that he can get them to you.


Maybe it would help if he would get the balls in his possesion before he posts the raffle.........


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« Reply #18 on: April 12, 2006, 09:44:59 AM »
Big Columbia, I couldn't because then i would have to have every ball possible because you get to choose whatever ball you want. Thats why i thought it would work better since u can choose whatever and not from the 30-40 that i have here.
Ike Brownfield
PBA 05-06

Gene J Kanak

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« Reply #19 on: April 12, 2006, 09:55:21 AM »
The only suggestion that I would make, and Ike has already posted something saying something similar, is to not collect the money until the he has the ball in his possession.  My advice to buyers, though, is to realize that this raffle process does not really lend itself to getting your stuff in the standard 3-4 days. In the end, the winner will get a performance ball for $15, but they will have to wait for it. I still think it's a very good deal.
I've only bowled 300, but I've benched 345 : )
 I provide the muscle for the Fellowship of the Saws  

Edited on 4/12/2006 9:55 AM


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« Reply #20 on: April 12, 2006, 09:58:11 AM »
hey iketown is a a good guy. i did a deal with him and got exactly what i paid for.  im sure he is doing his best, its hard to do business when ur at college, iw ould know.  i buy and sell balls all the time, but with a busy schedule its a pain in the behind.  hes a class act with me, and i KNOW he will get you your stuff.
after all u only paid 15 bucks for a 150 ball. if the penalty is waiting a week or even a month. ill wait.
Brunswick Man.....for life


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« Reply #21 on: April 12, 2006, 10:34:35 AM »
I will chime in on this since I have dealt with IKE many times. If there was something stated in the raffle that the winning bidder will have to wait a certain period of time before he gets the winning ball, then waiting is acceptable. If there was nothing posted about the extended wait, then I don't blame Joe Falco for being mad.. I don't care how much he is paying for the ball.. That should have been explained to him..

Like I said, I have done multiple deals with IKE and for the most part, they where all OK. I did have one instance where I felt like he was ignoring my messages and such and he finally stated he was really busy with school, bowling and whatever. I totally understand and respect he has his hands full, but he should still do whatever it takes to keep people informed of whats going on regardless what he has going on in his life. It only takes a sec to write a quick email or private message on here..

My feelings are IKE is a good guy but should have the balls IN HAND before running a raffle or listing a ball for sale..
The 2006 Slump is here...

Edited on 4/12/2006 10:55 AM
Radical Bowling Technologies ...Its more than just an Attitude!


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« Reply #22 on: April 12, 2006, 01:16:13 PM »
dan, i sent u a pm yest i believe it was or the day b4.
Ike Brownfield
PBA 05-06

Urethane Game

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« Reply #23 on: April 12, 2006, 01:19:33 PM »
I think this is amusing because what Iketown is doing is conducting a lottery which is  illegal both at the state and federal level.  As a participant in said lottery, you would also have some exposure to prosecution as well.  

Why not run this topic past his state attorney and see what that office thinks about this "raffle."
got revs?


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« Reply #24 on: April 12, 2006, 01:25:21 PM »
I think this is amusing because what Iketown is doing is conducting a lottery which is  illegal both at the state and federal level.  As a participant in said lottery, you would also have some exposure to prosecution as well.  

Why not run this topic past his state attorney and see what that office thinks about this "raffle."
got revs?

I am pretty sure the states attorney office has better things to do than try to bust somebody on here doing ball raffles! LOL.. Come on..
The 2006 Slump is here...
Radical Bowling Technologies ...Its more than just an Attitude!


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« Reply #25 on: April 12, 2006, 01:28:25 PM »
Ikes a good guy he just has to learn better communication
hes not going to stiff anybody that i know but he has to
learn to communicate a little better with his
customers. hes young and it will come with time
i will do business with him again if he has a ball
i want



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« Reply #26 on: April 12, 2006, 01:31:46 PM »
I must say that I had similar problems with one of Ike's raffles.  I understand why it happens, but that doesn't make it right.  I won a raffle and after winning added another 100+ dollars to get two balls shipped to me.  Yes, I did get a good price, but in all it took about a little over a month to get my balls, and I ended up only getting one of the balls I had initially ordered and having to choose a different second ball.  I "won" a Big Deal and paid to add a Zone Classic.  After about 2 1/2 weeks, I received the Big Deal and a Red Pin ZC.  Needless to say, I was miffed.  To make a long story short, I eventually got a V2 Power to replace the ZC and ended up paying Ike a little more just to keep the Red Pin rather than having to ship it back and wait.  

I will say that it DID work out in the end, but it wasn't the most pleasant buying experience I've ever had.  I would just suggest to Ike that if he runs more raffles in the future that he make it abundantly clear that it may take some time to receive your ball.

Also, I know that Ike is a stand-up guy in the end, it's just difficult since you don't even deal with the guy who can actually supply your ball.  I know that when Ike sells his own balls that he has, they get out very quickly!

NY Mike

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« Reply #27 on: April 12, 2006, 01:56:55 PM »
Joe F, I did a deal with Ike earlier this year it took a little while
for me to get the ball I chose ( supplier problems) but Ike is true to
his word.  My ball finally came in and Ike supplier shipped as promised,
the ball was damaged in transit and Ike more than compensated me for
our troubles.  Be patient, Ike may be slow but you will get the goods.


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« Reply #28 on: April 12, 2006, 02:09:17 PM »
How about this for a solution?  If/when you enter an Iketown300 raffle, that you put the ball you desire with your PM to him.  My very uneducated opinion says that maybe a couple will overlap, and that Iketown300 may just have to have those 10-15 balls in stock.  

Whichever balls are left over after the raffle closes, then they go on raffle, one-by-one, until his inventory is spent.

I know my idea doesn't cover all angles, but with a little work, it just may fly.
Divorced men quickly find out that poker is not the only game which begins with holding hands and ends with huge financial loss.


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« Reply #29 on: April 12, 2006, 02:14:48 PM »
U r right baccala, i said just b4 that if i ever do another raffle then i will only raffle balls i have in stock so i can get them out same or next day or maybe come up w another solution.
Ike Brownfield
PBA 05-06


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« Reply #30 on: April 12, 2006, 03:00:00 PM »
Just some thoughts on comments:

Getting a good deal for $15 .. there was $150 paid for this ball .. It was stated BALL OF CHOICE .. tell me WHY any SUPPLIER would NOT have a TRACK MACHINE available within a 2 week period. I checked with Pro Shops before I commented on BR about non-delivery!

There was no reference in the raffle about choosing a ball that he could get from his suppliers. He noted NO LANE1 or LEGENDS .. I stood behind his statements. Did he say choose only balls that are ENTRY LEVEL ..NO!

I know IKE has delivered before .. my deal was not one where he had the ball on hand. But .. to collect money for a ball he has yet to order .. then not get the ball is NOT SOME ONE I WOULD DEAL WITH!

Many are saying they deal with IKE and he delivered .. I know he delivered on other deals .. and I know he delivered on prior raffles .. does that make his actions RIGHT in this case. He had 10 people believing they could get the ball of their choice and those people bought TICKETS .. each of them were cheated and lied too. Will he deliver? HOPEFULLY .. DOES THAT JUSTIFY future dealings with him .. only if you are a FOOL! When selling you have to be in a position to DELIVER .. if you can't deliver .. WHO WILL BE STUPID ENOUGH TO DEAL WITH YOU!

IKE could not make a future deal look good to me .. I think I would want delivery before I paid and that would be STUPID on a buyers side!

I had many Email's to Ike before I posted on BR .. all were promises that never MATERIALIZED .. if you like those tactics .. go ahead and chance it .. my money is GOOD ANY PLACE .. I don't need sellers like this!

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!