I've done a few deals with Ike and have never had any problems whatsoever. I'm sorry that a couple of you are having issues, but I think it's a bit much to go around bashing the hell out of a reputable seller, especially when all that you're losing here is a bit of time.
It seems as if he plans to get you your gear or your money back, ergo, you won't be losing anything. I certainly understand that part of being a good seller involves shipping in a timely fashion, but you must understand that he cannot ship you what he does not have in his possession. If he is waiting on his supplier to get you what you want, all he can do is wait until he is delivered the goods so that he can get them to you.
I'm not saying that Ike is 100% in the right here. It sounds as if he's gotten himself over extended and cannot meet his demand in a timely fashion. You must realize, though, that Ike is not selling things in the traditional format. He does not have boxes of balls sitting in his room waiting to go out. He is offereing you the chance to get anything you want. By doing that, he must wait for you to give him your request and then set out to get the balls from his supplier. That leaves a lot of people involved and means that he is waiting just like you are.
I understand that, since you are dealing only with him, you're going to put the blame on him. That's fine; I would probably feel the same. However, I don't think that everyone else is justified in piling on. Ike has been around this board for a while now, and I've never heard of anyone getting ripped off by him. I for one, will not hesitate to do business with him again, if the opportunity presents itself.
I've only bowled 300, but I've benched 345 : )

I provide the muscle for the Fellowship of the Saws