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Author Topic: IKETOWN300 . .BEWARE..Falco DELIVERED 4/17  (Read 13423 times)


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« on: April 11, 2006, 01:45:13 PM »
I am the winner of a RAFFLE held by IKE on March 3 2006. The raffle had 10 tickets for $15 each. The winner could choose any NIB ball excluding LANE1 and LEGENDS! Being the winner I advised IKE that my choice was a TRACK MACHINE on March 12. NOTE: Ike never was in contact with me to advise of my winning .. I initiated the contacts!

There has been an exchange of Email's with he and I .. him making numerous excuses and me making plenty of requests for delivery. His latest note claims that he is at college and his SUPPLIER was on VACATION. He stated that the ball would be in the mail on April 5. As of today I have not received the ball .. a TRACKING NUMBER or heard any more from him.

Ike had run a NUMBER OF RAFFLES earlier in the year and at that time I started a posting to verify that the balls were being delivered. Apparently he was honoring all the RAFFLES and winning BR members reported satisfaction.

EVIDENTLY IKE has changed his position. I think he has NO INTENTION to make good this delivery. In NOT DELIVERING he has done me WRONG in that I did not receive something I gambled on and WON .. and it works out that he cheated NINE other members who were in the raffle buying entries in GOOD FAITH!

I have written numerous Email's to IKE and his responses lead me to believe he is NOT TO BE TRUSTED .. Even if I eventually get the ball .. the aggravation is NOT WORTH IT.

I suggest IKE be considered A BAD CHOICE to do business with from this point forward!

I would appreciate it if BR members bombard IKETOWN300 with mail asking: WHY HASN'T JOE FALCO RECEIVED HIS WINNING BALL FROM THE MARCH 3 RAFFLE?


Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O

Edited on 4/11/2006 9:44 PM

Edited on 4/11/2006 9:49 PM

Edited on 4/17/2006 11:29 AM
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!



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« Reply #31 on: April 12, 2006, 03:25:10 PM »
I tell you what, as a long time poster here, if you pizzed joe off, you have done some damage, he seems to be the most level headed person i have spoken to on here, I hope this works out for all parties
Official member Fellowship of the Saws
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Nothing left to discuss

I agree 100%.. JOE FALCO is a very respected used on this forum and hope Ike makes good on the deal with him but I have to agree, he has waited way to long IMO.. If this had happened to me, I would not be happy either.. If I had been told about the delay in the first place, then thats a different story but it appears Joe was always told it was shipped and it never was..

I am sure Ike will do the right thing..

The 2006 Slump is here...

Edited on 4/12/2006 3:38 PM
Radical Bowling Technologies ...Its more than just an Attitude!


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« Reply #32 on: April 12, 2006, 04:57:10 PM »
OK IKE .. It's your move .. let's hear IN THE OPEN what's going on! I'm sure there are some here that would like to know how (and when) you intend to deliver. No need to email me .. let me hear from you through this posting! The sooner the better! If your SUPPLIER can't get you the ball .. I'll be glad to put you in touch with neighborhood PRO shops that tell me the ball is readily available!
Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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« Reply #33 on: April 12, 2006, 09:49:05 PM »
D PAT .. I got your message and have been considering an action to take. I think one of the options we have to consider is reporting IKE to the PBA. I think we should set a date as to when we move and then draft a letter to advise them of one of their members. I don't think they will look very favorable at a member not treating other bowlers fairly to say the least. Taking money under FALSE PRETENSE is probable something they will NOT STAND FOR!

Let's see what IKE comes up with by Monday .. this will give him a few more days to get it right. You have a lot more at risk then I .. if he had $300+ of mine I'd surely take the next step immediately .. that's a LOT OF CASH to be in a STRANGERS HAND with nothing to show for it. I'm sure the PBA would consider that ROBBERY of some type!

Let me know your thoughts right here so it's in the open!

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!

Long Roller

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« Reply #34 on: April 12, 2006, 10:02:48 PM »
I don't see what the big deal is Ike.  If you're supplier can't get the ball, go to a different supplier.  If you take a loss at this point, then thats your fault for not delivering a ball for over a month.  I have seen in this last week a situation where a guy selling a ball was a week late on delivery and credited the guy 25.00 for the wait.  At this point, order the balls from buddies pro shop and get it over with.
Shane Soule


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« Reply #35 on: April 12, 2006, 10:05:06 PM »
IKE .. I did some check out for you .. ALLSTARBOWLING-JOE has the ball I'm looking for .. he asking $109 .. add delivery .. even there you can clear $20 .. what's your problem?

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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« Reply #36 on: April 12, 2006, 10:24:11 PM »
I prefer to deal with people who can write in fluent and understandbale ENGLISH, not in text messaging shorthand.
Happy Bowling!

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Edited on 4/12/2006 10:23 PM


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« Reply #37 on: April 12, 2006, 11:01:18 PM »
No one is gettin ripped off.  I am getting them the ball(s) that they want or their money back.  Just waiting for my guy to do one or the other. I wasn't doing the raffles for the longest time cause of this problem but everyone wanted me to come back and do it so they could get ANY ball that he has except lane 1 and visionary for 15 bucks. Like I told both joe and dpat who are extremely great users that I will notify them ASAP, when i get either to send to them.
Ike Brownfield
PBA 05-06


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« Reply #38 on: April 12, 2006, 11:01:21 PM »
I ahve dealt with Ike before and also won a drawing last year. He did deliver, but he is really slow. He has a good rep here but is also KNOWN for taking forever. As long a Joe has had to wait does not make any sense at all. I would be steaming mad myself. This just seems to be the recurring flaw of Ike and needs to improve or quit dealing. JMO. Hope all works out Joe.


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« Reply #39 on: April 12, 2006, 11:04:07 PM »
And secondly i didn't take money under false pretense, i told you what happened, but you choose not to believe me which is your choice.  I guarantee you will get your ball or money back or in dpat's case balls.
Ike Brownfield
PBA 05-06


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« Reply #40 on: April 13, 2006, 06:14:53 AM »
Like I told both joe and dpat who are extremely great users that I will notify them ASAP, when i get either to send to them.

But when will that be?
I'm officially a ball junkie

Site Admin @

Dpat, if I remember you saying correctly, Ike is from Lowell, Indiana? if so, the Police Departments Non Emergency Number is 219-696-0411. Theres the PD's number for both you and Joe.

Hope you guys get this settled soon.



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« Reply #41 on: April 13, 2006, 07:07:12 AM »
Well I am interested in this as well I was in that raffle, that Joe won.

 What about the others that paid  money, if you give Joe his money back which I dont think is right, he won he deserves to get the ball he picked out?

 Enjoy the people on the forum. Like to help when I can.


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« Reply #42 on: April 13, 2006, 07:45:23 AM »
In the year 2525


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« Reply #43 on: April 13, 2006, 07:48:07 AM »
I said as soon as he emails me back about it I will let you guys know. Should be today I told him to send the balls out or your money back. Joe you will get your ball somehow I guarantee that since you were in the drawing.
Ike Brownfield
PBA 05-06


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« Reply #44 on: April 13, 2006, 09:55:52 AM »
I wonder how many of the raffle winners got their balls quickly.  It seems like maybe Ike has one of the worst distributors ever, he's backordered on EVERYTHING.


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« Reply #45 on: April 13, 2006, 10:47:39 AM »
He's a supplier but he is a friend of mine. Thats how I get them. He supplies to a lot of people all over the coast and hence runs out of stuff rather quickly.  I order my stuff through him and have waited awhile because its no big deal to me to wait for as cheap as they are.  I agree though, the wait is ridiculous but I have not lied to anyone on here and nor do i intend to for a measly 400 bucks when i can sell more bowling balls and make more money over time then cheat you guys out of 400 bucks.  This will be the last "choose any ball you want raffle" but I will prolly have raffles for equipment I have in my house, which is a considerable amount but only 15 lbs. Joe and DPat I am truely sorry and I promised you I would make good on this deal. But if I just wanted to rip you guys off and not follow through, Sir Bowl is right I would just leave like the other guys have on this board that have ripped people off.  He is supposed to email me today/tonite so I will let you guys know about it.  I do bowl tonite so if he doesnt email me by the time I leave for bowling, I will let you know tomorrow.  

Most drawing winners got their balls right away. There were a handful who didnt.  Out of 29 drawings I believe there was about 5 didn't get their ball right away and Joe would make 6.

I am doing the best I can to take care of this for you guys. From now on, I'm only sellin/rafflin stuff i have, unless you want something and I will order it before payment.
Ike Brownfield
PBA 05-06