It "should" be your problem, or at least a part of it. When you send a M.O., why don't you send it certified or registered mail, that way they can track it down.
And before you say it, the extra cost is marginal at best and helps insure a smooth transaction. " Not my problem" seems to be the prevalent thing for people to say these days. Everybody knows there are glitches in the postal system, that is normal, but you made a deal to see that the seller gets his money for what you purchased, and until he does, this transaction is NOT complete.
I noticed your signature has "kproshop" in it. If someone bought a ball from you, then you never recieved your payment, even though they swore they sent it, who would you be upset with, the buyer or the post office?
I know it takes a little trouble on your part, but that is the responsible thing to do. And yes, I have had to do it also, and at my own expense.
Just call me Darreyl, it's much easier to say!