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Author Topic: Jkiser01--Great Seller  (Read 433 times)

T Brockette

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Jkiser01--Great Seller
« on: June 17, 2004, 07:34:06 AM »
I just completed a buy with Jim and it couldn't have
gone any smoother. I bought the new hammer 4 ball inline
and it was in as good of shape if not better than he said.
I would not hesitate to buy or trade with him again.
If you want to play, train your body.
If you want to win, train your heart.
Tracy Brockette – Lone Star House Hack



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Re: Jkiser01--Great Seller
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2004, 10:43:06 PM »
Thanks Tracy, I appreciate the way you paid lightning fast and take care of that bag!! I am sure we will be doing more deals in the future!!

PS: when you decide to sell the KIP, shoot me a message..LOL!!
If they only made a ball that would carry that d*mn 10 pin..


Edited on 6/17/2004 10:40 PM
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