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Author Topic: Just for everyone to know  (Read 2910 times)


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Just for everyone to know
« on: November 19, 2006, 12:47:14 AM »
hello guys im just letting everyone on know as you prolly have already seen that i am going to pay everyone back i have started paying everyone back and will continue till i have everyone paid back i got preapproved for a loan through iowa student loan corparation.  since im still taking a couple classes that my work pays for, i was able to get this loan, i did take my last paycheck and payed pack a few people and i plan to pay back as many more as i can even before this money comes, but i just want to let everyone know that i am not running, and this is not to try to make me be out the victim here or anything i messed up if they would let me use the f word i would say i fed up.  and that i can never say im sorry enough for, but if you would ask yourself this how many people on this site have you seen that did f up like i did start to pay people back and get a loan so he/she could pay everyone back?  still i know that doesnt make what happend any better but i just want everyone to know that i was not scamming them with the paypal thing....think about it for a second when you guys did the dispute i made it a claim so it didnt take the full 30 to 40 days, i made it so it took 10 because i personally called paypal and they told me that they would refund everyones money and just have my account at a negative then i could have just paid them back, i mean if i wanted to scam you guys or by myself more time i would have let the whole paypal dispute run its course and then we wouldnt even be having this conversation right now it would still be a dispute not even a claim, i just wanted to let everyone know that i am serious about paying everyone back as soon as i get this loan, and like ive said before i never ment for any of this to happen.  please dont hijack this or anything because i have noticed a lot of people with nothing to do with this situation hijacking all the threads.  again im very sorry about everything.  but i will make this right.  

adam newman
carbides, uraniums, and bombs oh my
Im the Chuck Norris of the F.O.S



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Re: Just for everyone to know
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2006, 03:49:52 PM »
Adam, Glad to see you are trying to do the right thing.
Enjoy the people on the forum. Like to help when I can.


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Re: Just for everyone to know
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2006, 03:53:42 PM »
Yes, i'm glad you're doing the right thing as well. You seemed like a nice guy when i talked to you.
Track Legion

Action MaX, PoWer MaChine, DEsert HeAt  
" Just can't Beat That!"


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Re: Just for everyone to know
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2006, 03:56:39 PM »
I don't get it!  YOu don't have to take a them back with THEIR money that you have.

Isn't that how it works?


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Just for everyone to know
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2006, 04:13:55 PM »
reighmey unless you changed your user name i dont have one message from you and i have kept all of them.  and i messaged you about what you bought and how you paid man, because i have no record of me and you doing a deal.  please reply back i want to make this right with you if you did buy something
carbides, uraniums, and bombs oh my
Im the Chuck Norris of the F.O.S


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Re: Just for everyone to know
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2006, 04:14:35 PM »
and this is not a federal student loan its a private loan that i can use for whatever i see fit.
carbides, uraniums, and bombs oh my
Im the Chuck Norris of the F.O.S


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Re: Just for everyone to know
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2006, 08:58:41 PM »
I don't get it!  YOu don't have to take a them back with THEIR money that you have.

Isn't that how it works?


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

Can't do that if he already spent it. I saw somewhere on here where he got some new balls from ASB???

you guys got "Hosed". I hope you all get your cash back, or prosecute this little turd!

Long Roller

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Re: Just for everyone to know
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2006, 09:10:49 PM »
I'm confident that we will get our money back from my recent conversations with Adam.
Shane Soule


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Re: Just for everyone to know
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2006, 04:59:24 AM »
I'm confident that we will get our money back from my recent conversations with Adam.
Shane Soule

Agreed. He admits that he screwed up. Also, I don't know why Adam's not answering the questions that were asked previously, but he has answered those questions in personal phone conversations with me, so here's what he said:

What did you use the money for?

He blew it, plain and simple. He didn't think he would have to save it in his PayPal account and you'll see why in the last question...
How much money total are we talking about?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of $2,000

Did you ever have the equipment in stock?

Not really. Here's the deal: Adam had a distributor that was clearing out their entire inventory at "way too good to be true" prices, so he figured he could make a return on them by posting balls for sale here on the BR forum and having those items ship straight from that distributor to our doors. Of course, Adam was on the road, so this should have worked out well for him. So, he accepted payments in his paypal account and would place the order through his distributor. Problem is that the prices WERE too good to be true as his distributor went "belly-up". In the meantime, Adam had spent our money that was in his PayPal account and was unable to refund...

Adam made 2 very poor decisions in this process:

#1: He didn't hold on to the money in his PayPal account. He ASSUMED everything was worked out. Bad choice.

#2: For some reason, he was never HONEST about what happened, and made himself look like a crook in the process, thus destroying his reputation. I don't know why he didn't just tell us all what happened... Who knows, this story he fed me could all just be bullsh*t anyway, but it sounds feasible.

Either way, he now has DECISION #3 in front of him. I have a feeling that the third time is a charm and Adam will make the right choice.

Mission Statement: We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much for so long with so little that we are now qualified to do anything with nothing. Thank you.


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Re: Just for everyone to know
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2006, 05:47:33 AM »
Everyone with an attitude like reighmey's need to give it a rest.  In some of the other posts, how many people said they were going to "pay him a visit"?  No one on this site has ever followed through with that type of ploy and it would probably lead to worse things if they did.  Of course you have a right to be upset.  It's obvious he doesn't want to talk about what he did with the money.  If you all get refunds, thank your lucky stars and be happy you did.  I'm hoping hawkeye4life actually makes good on his promise and isn't just giving lip service.
Telling it like it is.


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Re: Just for everyone to know
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2006, 06:52:50 AM »
what brokylnslop said was correct that is how it happend.  its not a crock.  the reason i didnt tell people on here is because on this site it seams that whatever you say or do its not right and like ive said many times i completely messed up, but i am going to make up for it, i am going to pay everyone back and with interest if they want it.  so yes what brokyln said is what happend, everyone i messed up like ive said time and time again and im sorry and im going to pay everyone back.  adam
carbides, uraniums, and bombs oh my
Im the Chuck Norris of the F.O.S


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Re: Just for everyone to know
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2006, 07:23:31 AM »
Hey Adam, I want compounded interest on that money you owe me!!!! Let's see, $0 compounded daily at figure it up!!!!

Seriously, I have known Adam for a long time and he did exactly as he said. He relied on a too good to be true deal that fell through and counted his chickens before the eggs hatched. I know Adam and I am confident he is paying everyone back as he says. That is why he is still here and many people forget how long he has been on this site. He's not a fly by night new user.
Godfather of the Lane #1 Mafia


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Re: Just for everyone to know
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2006, 10:17:28 AM »
It's not an attitude.  It is a fact.  I have not threatened anyone with anything but facts.  He has commited fraud.  Plain and simple.  It was a scam and there should be no excuses.  Besides restitution he should be prosecuted and held responsible for his actions.  Paying everyone back is not taking total responsibility.  Why do you call it an attitude.  I am in law enforcement and have charged many people with fraud.  This fraud happens to be over the internet and could possilby be considered a federal crime.

Please do as you think you can or must. As a fellow law enforcement official, I can assure you that this particular case would never see a court simply because you have to show intent to defraud or harm another and Adam can show where his source went "belly-up" on him. Technically, it would see a civil court room before it would ever see a criminal proceeding. If he had intent to defraud which is the basis here, he would not be here posting and paying people back. Now, I have have worked hand in hand with fedral officials for years and I can assure you, your interpretation of a federal crime here is incorrect. Now, does this mean Adam is getting away with anything? No. But there is no way you can show he intended to defraud anyone.

Godfather of the Lane #1 Mafia


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Re: Just for everyone to know
« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2006, 10:20:25 AM »
Glad that you're trying to do the right thing.

But, remember, periods are your friend.  Use them.
"I do desire that we may be better strangers."  Willie the Shake, As You Like it(III,ii)
"I'll bet that Jesus would have used HIS turn signal!!"
Wyrd bið ful aræd!
(Thought to be a member of something called the PMS club by some.)


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Re: Just for everyone to know
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2006, 10:21:35 AM »
and by the time you could get this to court im going to have everyone paid back.  again im not saying me paying everyone back should mean that you guys should look at me the way you used to i dont expect that.  i just want everyone to get there money back and we all go on with our lives.
carbides, uraniums, and bombs oh my
Im the Chuck Norris of the F.O.S