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Author Topic: kbowler11..........CAUTION  (Read 1786 times)


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« on: December 04, 2006, 11:56:19 AM »
On 11/27, I was contacted by this user and a price was agreed to on a 6-Ball bowling bag. He said he needed my information to send the money order since he didn't have a PayPal account. I provided him this information on 11/28 and he said he would get the MO right out. Being as how this user had no previous history that I could find and had only been omn this site sincwe 10/06, I pm'd him the next day, 11/29, just to ask if the MO had gone out as he said it had, He pm'd me back and I quote:

"I haven't forgot about you and I know I read your email but I had other stuff on my mind, I have a very demanding job, but to answer your question yes I will send you the money order tomorrow"

OK, so I assume it is going out right? I had asked him to let me know when the MO went out and I had heard nothing. I let it go until 12/4 when I had received no MO so again I message him and I get this reply:

"Sorry life got a little hectic It'll go out today"

Obviously feeling strung along by a new and suspicious user, I replied with a half-hearted reply saying simply:


I receive this reply from him:

"I really hope your joking because I really don't need this bag."

OK, feeling frustrated from this users messages and failure to uphold his end of the deal, I replied:

"Look. You have told me time and time again that you have sent or will send the money immediately. I refuse to be strung along. You can check my profile and this site for my reputation as I never do business that way. If you don't need or want the bag, fine. All you had to do was say so and call the deal off. I would have posted the transaction history inthe feddback forum and that would have been the end of it. Don't expect me to to feel like you are doing me a favor because transactions are done because both parties are gaining something. I do not kid when it comes to transactions. I have been on this and other sites for years and have never had a bad transaction from my end. You have been in here for right at 2 months and have 6 posts, How am I suppose to trust someone with no history and continues to feed me more stories about things that come up? You do what you want. If we complete the transaction, fine. If not, I will do as I would before and post the information in the forums. I am profiting all of $20 so you tell me if the hassle woukd be worth it if you were on my end? Let me know either way."

To which he replied:

"Then let's just call it off and just because I've only been on here a couple of months doesn't mean I don't have a positive history. I have done a number of deals on this site since then and never had a problem. I'm sorry that my problems have caused you an inconvenience, but if you can't have a little patience then so be it."

Now, I firmly have no belief that this user had any intention of purchasing this bag. I do not know this user and thank goodness I have lost nothing from this deal. I think a week is more than enough time to send out a money order if you say it will go out IMMEDIATELY!!  Bottom line is as a longtime member/user on this site and others, everyone should know to be careful when dealing with this cat!!! Thanks and have a nice day.....
Godfather of the Lane #1 Mafia



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Re: kbowler11..........CAUTION
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2006, 07:27:23 AM »
Charles.. I sent you a PM..

One day when I grow up I hope to be able to throw the ball AND carry as good as g_thing!!

Edited on 12/5/2006 8:32 AM
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Re: kbowler11..........CAUTION
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2006, 07:51:54 AM »
As long as he is sending the money first, I wouldn't get too upset about it.
In the future for you though I would suggest stating a time limit that they have to get the money to you before the item goes back up.  Figure 2 weeks, a week to get paid, and a week for the mail.

Depends on where you are sending it from it may take a week for the MO to get to you if it goes in the mail that day.  Like I also stated if the person is waiting on payday.

I would just have a little patience with the new guys.
Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
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Re: kbowler11..........CAUTION
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2006, 07:57:20 AM »
Charles can be a pita lol from reading some of his posts, but other than that I have great respect for Charles. I dont recall doing a deal with him, but I know Charles is highly respected on here and if someone says they will get the money order "right out", then how can Charles be impatient?

Charles has every right to be pissed. He was told by the user that he would get money right away and the user lied to him. Its people like Charles, Jkiser, and the other good guys that won't sit back and let these users bs us. Thanks guys!

Edited on 12/5/2006 8:48 AM


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Re: kbowler11..........CAUTION
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2006, 08:00:12 AM »
I don't think it is asking too much for someone to be up front and say "I am going to pay on payday" or something like that. I have helped people on many occasions here and on I have even told some people just pay me when you can and sent them the balls if I have dealt with them in the past or they have a good history. The thing about this user was not doing as he said. I fI say I am sedning money/ball at a certain time, I either do it or contact them immediately to let them know why and it has always gotten out the next day. New guys should work even harder to become good members with good reputations on this site. Granted, like I said, I didn't lose anything except for I passed on an offer because of his promises to pay and when I contacted the other user, he had already gotten a bag since I told him this one was pending payment. Either way, I am not sure you would like to be strung along either Eric.
Godfather of the Lane #1 Mafia


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Re: kbowler11..........CAUTION
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2006, 08:03:23 AM »
bowlingmaniac, you're welcome. I appreciate your respect. I am by no means pissed. I lost nothing. I just wanted to make the other users like yourself aware of this user's actions with me. I know he had a couple of good transactions with jkiser over the last week or 2 from the pm I just got from Jim. Maybe that is why he didn't send out payment but all he had to do was be up front and say something.
Godfather of the Lane #1 Mafia


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Re: kbowler11..........CAUTION
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2006, 08:08:49 AM »
But he did tell you that he had something come up.

I would not be so pressed over sell a bag that I couldn't
wait 3 weeks instead of 1 to sell it, and I have sold quite a bit of stuff.
I have had people back out on deals, so be it, just remember as long as they are sending you the money first it doesn't matter.  Now if someone else is looking at it, I would inform them of such.

But I can see where you are comming from.
Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
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Re: kbowler11..........CAUTION
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2006, 08:13:36 AM »
bowlingmaniac, you're welcome. I appreciate your respect. I am by no means pissed. I lost nothing. I just wanted to make the other users like yourself aware of this user's actions with me. I know he had a couple of good transactions with jkiser over the last week or 2 from the pm I just got from Jim. Maybe that is why he didn't send out payment but all he had to do was be up front and say something.
Godfather of the Lane #1 Mafia

Look at it from his side though.

The same way you were starting to get upset with him for taking to long and not being "up front" he takes as not trusting:

"Then let's just call it off and just because I've only been on here a couple of months doesn't mean I don't have a positive history. I have done a number of deals on this site since then and never had a problem. I'm sorry that my problems have caused you an inconvenience, but if you can't have a little patience then so be it."

That why we have said before that everyone needs profiles.
There used to be a list of positive transations that were on here.
Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
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Re: kbowler11..........CAUTION
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2006, 08:13:52 AM »
Well I see your 33 and Charles is well... older lol. From what I know older people dont have as much patience as us younger people. I mean, if your older, how much more time do you have? Time to Charles is probably like a Twinkie to a Fat kid. VERY important and gotta have.


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Re: kbowler11..........CAUTION
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2006, 08:20:49 AM »
Well I see your 33 and Charles is well... older lol. From what I know older people dont have as much patience as us younger people. I mean, if your older, how much more time do you have? Time to Charles is probably like a Twinkie to a Fat kid. VERY important and gotta have.


That's my point, I don't want him to get worked up and have a stroke or something.....j/k

I guess I am more patient than most my age, at least around here.
Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
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Re: kbowler11..........CAUTION
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2006, 08:51:42 AM »
First of all maniac...I am only 34. You are funny. Now, last time I checked, you had to earn trust. I was more than patient and fair enough with this user. All I did was give him an out since I figured I would never see the money anyway. Like I said, being up front and communicating with people goes along way in gaining trust. I purposely keep a list of users/references in my profile and tell people they can contact them if needed. I didn't expect anymore than what he promised.
Godfather of the Lane #1 Mafia


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Re: kbowler11..........CAUTION
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2006, 08:57:04 AM »
Sent you a pm Charles... my bad.


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Re: kbowler11..........CAUTION
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2006, 09:00:47 AM »
HaHa, it happens when you're behind a monitor. LOL
Godfather of the Lane #1 Mafia


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Re: kbowler11..........CAUTION
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2006, 09:08:35 AM »
I get the same thing, that is why my age is in the profile lol
Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
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Re: kbowler11..........CAUTION
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2006, 09:28:03 AM »
trust and repetition is earned not given, at least in my world. I have had several deals where the buyer has sent a MO for equipment, and most of the time it is agreed that the item of interest is set aside for a week on hold for that person, after a week and no check it goes back on the "block". I have done other deals after phone conversations or previous deals I have stuck my neck out and shipped a ball B receiving the funds, I've been a good reader of personalities in the past and I'm sure I'll get burned sooner or later.

 From my up bringing, when you give your word it is binding as a signed document, but today it seems that does not apply in all cases. There are several on here I have seen make promises or give the impression they are going to consummate a deal, then do not. I have made notes of those and keep it in a file, they respond to one of my ads I tell them up front, here's the price take it or leave it, show the money, for those just mentioned it is Paypal, I'm not holding stock on a maybe based off of their previous track record. Time is money and so is information, I do not mean to sound harsh, but there are two things in this world that I have no tolerance for one being a  liar and the other a thief.

I think a list of Beware of Time Bandits list should be published for all sellers to be aware of. If your name appears on the list it would take 3 flawless deals to be removed and your "minor" repetition restored for this site, only the seller can give the ok for a smooth transaction to earn the points to be removed from the Time Bandit list.
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