win a ball from

Author Topic: Let me tell you about MadMax....  (Read 438 times)


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Let me tell you about MadMax....
« on: January 24, 2008, 11:25:44 PM » anyone who has ever bought from MadMax, you know he is quick to respond to messages and ships fast. However, this is not your normal case. I was looking for a specific ball that could not be found on the internet anywhere...not even ebay. Messaged MadMax and he said let me see what I can do. Messages me back a day later and says, yep found one, witht he exact specs I wanted, but he did not have the ball and it would have to be dropped shipped from who did have it. Thats right, MadMax went out of his way when I messaged him, he made some phone calls and found one...he simply could have said, sorry, don't have it, and that would have been that.

But, it gets even better....seeing how he does not have the ball in front of him, he will not accept payment for it until I receive the ball to ensure it is exactly what I many other people would ever do that? NOT MANY!

MadMax is a great guy to deal with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
