
General Category => Buyer-Seller Feedback => Topic started by: MadMax on November 03, 2005, 08:17:23 PM

Title: Lil League Coach Is A 1ST Class BR Member & Customer!
Post by: MadMax on November 03, 2005, 08:17:23 PM
T.J. Trout,
Was just great to deal with, he's a repeat
customer for us and it was a pleasure to deal
with him. He was quick to pay, just great
and quick communication with messages. I hope
we can do business in the future and he is a
1st class customer. I'm glade we could help and
anything else you need in the future just drop us
a line. Hope you enjoy the ball and let us know
how it works for you. Sell with confidence, he's 1st class!
Thanks MadMax
Title: Re: Lil League Coach Is A 1ST Class BR Member & Customer!
Post by: lil League Coach on November 04, 2005, 12:05:06 PM
thanks max,
 He always gives me such great prices on all the gear that im looking for. I will always do business with him, and i hope everyone who reads this does the same. thanks again........ tj
formerly trouter13
Title: Re: Lil League Coach Is A 1ST Class BR Member & Customer!
Post by: MadMax on November 05, 2005, 06:43:24 AM
Thanks for the good word and if everyone did business
like you this would be a better place to do business.
Your 1ST Class BR member and it's my pleasure always.
Thanks MadMax