Just a quick email to give everyone a heads up in dealing with The Nean....
Long story short...
sent money order to him. Said he didn't get it a week later or so. Told him to email me if didn't arrive in a couple days. Told him will send money via Paypal and to return MO when/if arrives. Contact couple days later asking about ball shipment...and hemmed and hawed for a while (a little over 10 days) before finally sending ball. Also found out he deposited Money Order (that he stated didn't receive). Told him expect return of 90 bucks. Haven't heard from him since..
So as of right now would call him a thief and would not recommend any transactions with him...
His Address:
Nick Dean
45 Lombard Street
New Bedford, MA 02740
Cell Phone # - 774-930-9586
All this can be yours............
What?? The curtains?
Edited on 7/1/2005 0:26 AM