I did not contact him about this yet, but a while back we traded balls and I bought one from him, well I go get one of them drilled up today and low and behold I have a 14 pound orb on my hands.....I am going to see if I can use it but man how long does it take to set a ball on the bathroom scales to see whether its 14,15, or 16 or even 30 pounds.......This guy is back on my watched list.
In all honesty what can I ask for to make up for this??? I paid $40 for a plug and redrill, for a ball I may not be able to use.... and I won't ever get that out of it if I can't use it.
Ten pin?
?? Where?? I throw a BUZZSAW there is NUTTIN left on the deck... Proud SOLDIER of the FOS!!
Member of the Mafia, if there happens to be a 9 pin standing just call the hitman in!