baiscally , I won an auction, and paid instantly
he did not ship
won't return e mails or pm's
won it on the 4th
today is the 21'st
this guy is a notorious crook and I am a dumbazz for trying to give him the benefit of the doubt.
I got one e mail stating he experienced a loss. Ordinarily, I understand, this does not , however, prohibit you from staying in touch w/ somebody who won your auction.
He has used this " experienced a loss " excuse on several other members throughout the years, thus, my extreme skepticism .
I know he has been online everyday, I know he has received my pm's, I know he has received e mails through paypal, all to which he NEVER ( except once ) RESPONDED.
now the burden is on me to fight it out w/ paypal to GET MY MONEY BACK