If you guys remember back a little while I had a dispute with this user....I sent him an azo redfire for a messenger b/s/p which I never recieved even though the deal was done in december. He went off on this site saying that I never sent him a ball and somehow tried to turn this around on me! Here is a message that he sent to another user about the situation:
"I had a deal with navy beans and it was ball for ball and he said that he sent his ball to me via usps priorty mail which is guranteed two days service he shipped the ball on 12 26 and I didn't receive the ball for two to three weeks during this time period me and him talked back and forth and he said i qoute" that don't even ship your ball because I really just wanted to rid of the ball that I sent you it was 16 so I couldn't use it anyway" so I said dude you don't have to say that I told him that will still keep up my part of the deal but he insisted that there was no hard feelings so I took it as that and then like two weeks later he tried to bash me on the site and then and only then when he made it public I came out and told this same story to the public so if I was wrong I can't see it because it wasn't my choice to say hey Rwood don't send your ball it is no biggie you know so I don't know what dudes problem but if wants to find me I am on here everyday alleday."
- First off the ball was sent out normal 4-5 day delivery, which it was delivered to his post office near his home because he must not have been home when they tried to deliver it. It was at his post office within a week. but who knows when he picked it up.
-In no way did he insist that he still sends the ball to me. If he was such an angel like he thinks....I would imagine that he would finish through with the deal he made.
- He gave me a sob story about he never got the ball so he shouldn't send his ball to me....Trying to be the grown up here, I said fine don't send your ball since you never got the one I sent you. Now I know that he got the ball I sent him so its his turn to be the grown up. I have no patience at all when it comes to b.s. like this. He knows what he should do so he better do it before I have to have it taken care of.
This is the biggest line of crap I've ever heard!
Your village called, they want their idiot back!
Edited on 3/18/2004 0:42 AM