Hey all,
I dunno if any of you have had any luck with this guy,I've NEVER ever did
anything wrong until I messaged this guy about a Cherry Bomb!
BTW the reason I messaged him is HIS AD was very vague and chalky,not enough info.
Boy!Are users this standoffish about their stash or what?
Well,if he decides to ever sell his stuff,be very careful in messaging him.
I dont even know this person,oh his typed WORDS mean nothing to me.I'm
personally letting ALL YOU know you might be wasting your time in getting a ball
out of this guy(aka buckeye).I hope he sees his mistakes in dogging a good user.
I dont know what his problem is,but I'm sure only he can fix it.
I have an example of how he responds to typical messages..
Hey buckeye,
first whats the weight?
second overall condition?
THE BIG Q,the price w/shipping?I'm buying this for a friend,so,LMK.I've seen this for varoius prices,if its a good price,I'll pretty much get it.
third,DO YOU TAKE Paypal?If not I'll whip up a postal MO in a day or so!!
the big q. puke i guess is the answer
Yep,that was his reply,yeesh all I wanted was a yes or no.
it gets a little weirder...looky
Looky buckeye,why do type weird answers,do you wanna SELL this ball,
have you already sold it an have nothing else to type?
Sooooo,if you have Paypal and GET me some stats,we cant move along,pls
read below,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Like last time
first whats the weight?
second overall condition?
Yes,the price w/shipping?I'm buying this for a friend,so,LMK.I've seen this for varoius prices,if its a good price,I'll pretty much get it.DONT BE SHY,I have to know what you're asking,is that part hard?
All these are simple questions.
third,DO YOU TAKE Paypal?If not I'll whip up a postal MO in a day or so!!
If you're not really ready to sell this or whatever racking your brain to give weird answers and then why did you put an AD up in the Wanted/Sell/Trade section at BR?
Thats all,thx.
who do you think your talking to you punk
,i could give a darn about giving you any info.
you are ou of here.
He wrote that on the bottom what you,again letting you all know whats up.
I cannot control what YOU ALL do here,just be careful and choose wisely.
In conclusion I guess I will leave him alone and he can keep his Cherry Bomb too.
Late peeps