I'll be happy to throw in my 2 cents;
I realize that not everyone spends a large portion of their day on BR, but I don't think it is asking too much to make it part of your daily routine to check your messages. You check your email every day, right? Might as well check for any important messages here too.
I have been lucky to do deals with GREAT users here, including Robb. I have had a couple that, while the transaction went through, it was like pulling teeth to get a response at times.
I recommend not subjecting your reputation to criticism whenever possible. Do this by not getting involved in deals if you are too busy to provide communication within 24 hours. I consider you a "poor communicator" if it takes you more than 48 hrs. to respond to a PM.
If you know you are busy but want to do a deal anyway, be up front that you may not be able to respond promptly for whatever reason. It sucks to be on one side of the country wondering what So-and-so is doing on the other side of the country.
I have always made it a point to be DOUBLY on top of it with communication, as my feedback will reflect. I do this to avoid even the HINT of a bad deal; I want anyone I deal with to be DELIGHTED! Is it too much to ask to expect the same in return?
Predicting my next opponent runs into a BUZZSAW!~
Proud original member-