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Author Topic: scoobyloven01.... BEWARE  (Read 704 times)


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scoobyloven01.... BEWARE
« on: January 18, 2006, 01:06:38 PM »
scoobyloven01: BEWARE of this user, please!!!

He commited to a deal about a month or so ago involving a Backyard Bully, Big Bully, and Wicked that I was selling. He said he had sent off a USPS Money Order for our negotiated price... and it never arrived. I asked him what was going on and he said he didn't know, and blah blah. Then he said he would re-issue it and send it out.... I've never heard a response since and never recieved the M.O. dispite the fact that I sent out several PM's. This cost me alot of time wasted as well as a few offers that I had to turn away because he had commited to the deal.

So what ever happened to that money order that was supposedly sent off?? Why did you never respond to my messages??

Was the money order ever really sent?????? For some reason, I seriously doubt it.

I thought I would give this user time to explain himself before posting any negative feedback in public, but now I notice he is trying to actually sell some equipment in the "Wanted / For Sale" forum... I wanted everyone to be safe.

Anyway, please be cautious of this user. Many of you know me and my good reputation on this site... I would not post something like this unless I felt it would benefit the greater public. Please be careful if you decide to deal with this user. Thanks.



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Re: scoobyloven01.... BEWARE
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2006, 08:01:36 PM »


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Re: scoobyloven01.... BEWARE
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2006, 06:13:10 PM »
i don't know why you had to post this on the form i have told you what was going on and i told you my brotherin law was the one that was buying them from you. i have explaned my self to you about this matter and it was not in my control when he tells me one thing and dose another. i have told him i wouldn't try to help him get new equipment and i have never backed out of a deal that i was in i have many good sells and buys on ebay and on a couple of the rc boards. so i don't know why you would have to post this on here and not let me get to the bottom of it with him and find out what he did do. i doan't have the time to read this post yet alone my email as  my 4 year old disabled son just spent the last 90 days in the local childerns hospital and just came home.last monday with home nursing and much added health care. so if you want to stand by your guns and draw frist go ahead i have tried keep you as informed as i could.  

so if you want to keep this post running go ahead it is not my fault my brother inlaw did what he did . and  your all ragged off and i got a bad post for it all .  so he screwed the both of us not just you.