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Author Topic: Stay away from Derrick White... just a reminder  (Read 685 times)

Ric Clint

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Stay away from Derrick White... just a reminder
« on: September 30, 2003, 09:23:34 AM »
First he went by "Hizzle Dizzle Chicken-fa-hita Bizzle Mizzle Trizzle" or some crap... and then "Dynothane1"... and then "the_thing_returns".

Here's his full name and address, and I get the feeling that with all the people that have e-mailed me about this guy screwing over so many people, that somebody will try to hunt him down and man-handle him!!!

Derrick White
3417 Stark Street
Eugene, OR 97404

Stay away from this piece of crap moron idiot!!!

Also, his user name is something like "" or something?

Something needs to be done about him!!!

To learn more about this dude, check out the following link: