win a ball from

Author Topic: ThaCrank  (Read 170 times)

Twitch 1

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« on: December 15, 2006, 10:33:43 PM »
Well I see he is trying to sell the same balls again

He had three balls listed and I was interested in the Wicked so i e-mailed him that i would pay through Pay Pal. I sent the money to his account and the next day he replied that he received the payment and would ship the ball that night or the next day. So I waited four days and heard nothing from him. Contacted him the next day and he said he was so busy he just did not have a chance to ship the ball but would ship it the next day for sure. Well the next day came and I received a e-mail from Pay Pal that my account received back the amount I sent with a note that said I'am just to busy to ship. Why list a ball if you do not won't to sell it.

Don't take life so serious, it's not permanent!