that really sucks on solidseven's side....BUT.... what can ya do lefty, you held up your part of the deal after you received the money, its not your fault that no one is there. what i would do if I were you.... if the balls come back to you and you receive no response from the buyer in 30 days, the money is yours. just hold the money if you get the balls back until then. it kind of sucks but that is business ethics. all the proshops around here do this.... if you buy a ball and have it drill, or bring one in to have fixed and you prepay or not, after 30 days the proshop has legal right to sell your ball to someone else whether or not you paid in advance or not. hopefully everything works out where you don't have to do something like that, but it just might happen and you get to sell the balls twice. now, if the balls come back to you and THEN he contacts you, he is still responsible to pay the extra shipping back to him, no matter what the reason was on why the balls were undeliverable the first time (it sounds harsh but, death in the family, house burned down, had a baby, or what ever doesn't make a difference) unless you want to figure something else out between the two of you. i really hope the solidseven (whom ever he is) doesn't get accidently screwed.... good luck on everything and keep us posted on what happens, i am very curious to see the outcome. thanx for the great post.