Well, after waiting for what seemed like forever the big brown truck finally delivered the 64lb box this afternoon. In it was an Epic Battle, a Wrath and a Powerdrive along with the Raw Hammer Pain I sent out to get matched up to. The Powerdrive was unique because I requested him to mirror the right hand set up to a left hand setup. All balls fit perfectly, which is a good thing because I have a huge blister on my thumb from the 18 games I bowled Monday night. I figured I'd go throw a few balls and call it a night but ended up very happy with the fit and neither of the new balls bothered my thumb. The good/bad news is that after a couple of warm up games rotating through all the balls I put my head down and set out to see what the Battle would do. After 6 strikes in a row I was sure my game was about to fall apart. After 9 in a row I couldn't believe it. Then the first ball in the tenth hit solid and got the 7 pin moving but another pin came around and stopped the movement, it wiggled and moved a bit but refused to go down. I picked it up and threw another strike for a 279 but I'm almost certain if it weren't for that stupid 7 pin hang up I was looking at a first ever 300. My high game prior to this was a 228 so needless to say I'm still very happy. I followed that game up with the Wrath and after a couple of frames got into the groove with it and came out with a 211. I guess this is kinda long for saying how grateful I am to Joe for providing awesome service but felt the entire story was justified (and I wanted to brag a bit).
Current line-up: Hammer Pain, Hammer Toxic, Hammer Tuff...more added weekly. :-)