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Author Topic: track 007 BEWARE OF USER!!!  (Read 465 times)


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track 007 BEWARE OF USER!!!
« on: March 14, 2006, 10:52:11 PM »
Inquired about a Vapor zone and told him I would give him 5 more dollars than he even wanted if we could break it up and give him 20 up front, since he won't accept paypal, and then send the rest when I received the ball.  I was very worried about doing this deal since he barely posts and he sells balls with 1 game so cheap.  Traded pics, everything was going smoothly and sent him an email to complete the deal, well since I wouldn't send the full payment he deleted it.  I have sent one more since to see if it was a fluke and it was deleted as well.  Just wanted to save people from getting ripped off.  I have AOL and as any of you guys know who have it, you can check if the person has read it, not read it, or deleted it.  

Just be aware guys,

AIM: GordoJ52
Email: GordoJ52@AOL.COM

Mess with the fire of the Infernos and you get burned!!!



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Re: track 007 BEWARE OF USER!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2006, 08:34:44 AM »
yea, he kind of threw some offers at me but it always seemed kinda shaky.  glad I stayed clear.
"I'd quit this game if I thought anyone would give a damn!"

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Re: track 007 BEWARE OF USER!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2006, 05:48:46 PM »
AIM: GordoJ52
Email: GordoJ52@AOL.COM

Mess with the fire of the Infernos and you get burned!!!