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Author Topic: Jord516 - Be Suspicious of This User  (Read 950 times)


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Jord516 - Be Suspicious of This User
« on: September 14, 2006, 06:21:29 AM »
I attempted to work out a deal with this user to purchase a used Blue Dot from him. He gave me a great price offer, but he only has one reference listed on his profile, so I asked if he had more references on BR and he said he did not. He point out that he has the same user ID (Jord516) on Ebay with a very good rating, but from my point of view, there's no way I can know for sure that it's him, so...

I offered to accept the deal that we had worked out IF he shipped the ball first. I would pay as agreed once the ball was recieved.

He wouldn't have any part of it and said the ball would be going on Ebay instead.

Now, come on. I have done TONS of deals here and would like to think that I'm a very well respected Seller/Buyer with many references. And he still wouldn't ship first?

Also, he's been a member since 1/28/2005 and only has 138 posts with ONE transaction?  

Smells fishy to me. This is not meant to be NEGATIVE feedback... Just a word of caution. Please beware when dealing with this user.
I'm not sexist. I just don't trust anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die.



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Re: Jord516 - Be Suspicious of This User
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2006, 08:31:17 PM »
I'm not sexist. I just don't trust anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die.


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Re: Jord516 - Be Suspicious of This User
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2006, 12:41:00 AM »
No offense, but I would never shp an item without being paid first. I have 300 feedbacks on Ebay with only 1 negative (a retaliatory one)and that's just not the way capitalism works...LOL.

You pay, he ships, then if there's a problem on your end then and only then do you find out if he/she is a seller that stands behind their product. This is the chance we take when buying from private parties (it's best to work out a return agreement or fully understand that you are buying the item 'as is" with no warrantly implied or returns accepted).

Just my two cents.


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Re: Jord516 - Be Suspicious of This User
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2006, 05:30:50 AM »
No offense, but I would never shp an item without being paid first. I have 300 feedbacks on Ebay with only 1 negative (a retaliatory one)and that's just not the way capitalism works...LOL.

You pay, he ships, then if there's a problem on your end then and only then do you find out if he/she is a seller that stands behind their product. This is the chance we take when buying from private parties (it's best to work out a return agreement or fully understand that you are buying the item 'as is" with no warrantly implied or returns accepted).

Just my two cents.

If you had no references, then I would not buy anything from you if this is how you chose to deal. There have been too many instances of fraus and thedt on here. The good guys work hard on this site to build and keep a good reputation and deserve some respect and trust. If you don't want to start from square 1 building a good reputation, then that tells me yo deal somewhere else.
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Edited on 9/15/2006 7:05 AM


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Re: Jord516 - Be Suspicious of This User
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2006, 06:56:37 AM »
I agree. No feedback, you ship first. Don't like it? I buy elsewhere. I have an extensive list in my profile of members here I have sold,traded, and bought balls from. My feedback speaks for itself. If I see a ball I am interested in but the seller has no feedback or references here, I ask him to ship first and when i actually get the ball in hand I will pay asap. Otherwise, I'll take my money and keep looking.

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Re: Jord516 - Be Suspicious of This User
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2006, 07:52:45 AM »
Hmmmm.....well, I'm pretty new to the buy/sell forum here and just thought it unheard of to have something shipped without first paying for it. I've bought 3 balls from this site in the past 3 weeks and it never even occurred to me to check the sellers out first.

O.K. I stand corrected. If there's been a lot of unscrupulous sellers here then I guess someone with no selling history might be suspect depending on how he/she is willing to back up their listings. Then again, it's the same deal on Ebay with sellers with no feedback (and Ebay does very little to recover your money if you're ripped off....PayPal on the other hand WILL go after the seller).

The 300 feedbacks I mentioned on Ebay is a pretty good indication of my integrity. If I were to sell something here for the first time I'd send a link to my Ebay feedback and the potential buyer would see the amount of items I've both bought AND sold (and see about 50 bowling ball sales).

Edited on 9/15/2006 7:46 AM

Edited on 9/15/2006 7:47 AM


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Re: Jord516 - Be Suspicious of This User
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2006, 08:31:33 AM »
See, I agree with what most of you said about Ebay being a more secure place to do business. And perhaps the feedback there does weigh more than the feedback here, but I have to go back to my original post: I don't know that the username he gave me on Ebay is actually him.

In terms of shipping before payment, that is a pretty regular practice here on for newer users, or users who have very little feedback. There have been way too many people burned on here. I'm a solid BR member and my feedback speaks for itself.

Again, nothing negative toward Jord516... It's just VERY suspicious that he won't ship out a BLUE DOT to a proven user like myself before he recieves payment.
I'm not sexist. I just don't trust anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die.


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Re: Jord516 - Be Suspicious of This User
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2006, 02:26:54 PM »
Not that I have anything against anyone here but I would not ship first unless I knew you on a personal level.  I don't think I really blame him.  BrooklynSlop I know you have a pretty good rep around here but still I would want to be protective of my product just as much as you would like to be protective of you money.

By the way how do you check to see how many post someone has???
Arsenal includes:
Rule GP2, Rule Delta 1, Slash, Heat, Desert Heat, Boxing Glove


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Re: Jord516 - Be Suspicious of This User
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2006, 07:57:13 PM »
By the way how do you check to see how many post someone has???

Click "user list" on the left of the page in blue print. Then type in the user name you want to know about and it will tell you when they joined and how many posts they have.


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Re: Jord516 - Be Suspicious of This User
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2006, 08:18:59 PM »
By the way how do you check to see how many post someone has???

Click "user list" on the left of the page in blue print. Then type in the user name you want to know about and it will tell you when they joined and how many posts they have.


****Kids in the back seat cause accidents; accidents in the back seat cause kids.****

I'm not sexist. I just don't trust anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die.


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Re: Jord516 - Be Suspicious of This User
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2006, 08:33:15 AM »
"Amateurs practice until they get it right. Professionals practice until they can't get it wrong."
