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Author Topic: Tilt  (Read 11976 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Color   Blue/Red
Weights   14 – 16 lbs
Cover Stock   DURAGRIPTM 500 Reactive
Surface   Polished
Core Design   Symmetric
RG   2.500
Differential   .050
Lane Conditions   Medium Lane Conditions



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Re: Tilt
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2006, 10:21:41 AM »
Circle Tilt
Color: Blue/Red
Weight: 15lbs
Cover Stock: DURAGRIPTM 500 Reactive
Surface: Polished
Core Design: Symmetric
RG: 2.500
Differential: .050
Best Lane Conditions: Medium to Heavy
Recommended Lane Conditions: Long Oil Patterns

Got this ball (2-3 inch pin) drilled up with my pin under my ring finger with the CG kicked out to the right approx. 1 inch from my Centre Line. Kicked it out this far as I wanted the ball to roll a bit earlier rather then have it skid flip. Man is this ball strong. With the drilling I have, the ball just wants to turn. It gets through the heads and mid lane and starts rolling. With the way its drilled its definitely not a snappy ball, rather an arcy heavy rolling ball.

The ball hits strong and is very predicable, and can be used from all angles. When there is enough oil, I can use this ball up the edge and it makes its way easily to the pocket. I have played as deep as 30 board and have found that it just loves kicking out 10 pins, which can often be hard to do from that angle.

Overall, a great ball from Circle Athletics.

Matt Kanafa

CircleAthletics Staff


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Re: Tilt
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2007, 01:08:59 PM »
about me stoker to cranker lot of speed 17.5 to 19.0 mph throw storm , track, brunswick,columbia and dynothane /league shot/ legal shot usbc/  got this ball last week 15lbs.3 oz.3.25 oz. top weight 4 1/2 pin  had it drilled up max leverage (RH)pin above ring finger/c.g at (65)deg/small weight hole out of thumb/box finish oval grips/switch grip everthing (ball when drlled was like drilling though wood not dense like storm and dnyothane balls ) anyhow on to the review when i took this in to my pro shop guy he laughed at my (ex. pba player current brunswick reg. pro staffer )i told him i got this ball cheap and wanted to give it a try.He said he only seen i guy throw this ball (circle didn't say which ball) he had a lot of hand and was on there pro staff (little time)and he couldn't get any circle to hook. So took this ball back to my local house med. oil to med heavy/ shot had lot of carry down (had been bowled on three games league) 2nd shift (had not been oiled) ball hooked some playing 10 to 5 couldn't get ball to finish  rolled out made some adjustments got frustrated with ball put ball away /after two games we moved to different pair same thing had 4 games on lanes carrydowm so i decided to give it a try again but, took it in the pro shop and sanded it down  started with(180/360/500/1000) finished product 1000 sanded cross hatched.WOW What a different ball finished hard hit like a freight train played 15 to 5 shot 3 games 213/240/265  this ball is for med. lane condition /i would recommand to sanded this ball to 1000 to 2000 grit/ clean and dull. Circle compared to (storm and track) with most balls i have bowled with hit hard this has to be up there (top 5) hard hitting balls will update !    


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Re: Tilt
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2007, 06:54:48 AM »
I drilled my Tilt with the intention of having an early breakpoint and getting a smooth, controlled arc.

Pin under bridge with the CG tilted to the right. A small X-holed is placed at 5". Surface is OOB.

This ball with above mentioned layout works well when playing down-and-in, on a broad variation of lane conditions. I've found it working best on medium to heavy oil. When on light or dry conditions there is no problem taking a giant step left and throwing it more round. It won't hook out on you.

Overall i'm well satisfied with this purchase. Tilt is probably the best all-round ball in their collection.

I have no idea what to put here.

Go Sweden.


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Re: Tilt
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2016, 03:02:18 PM »



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS


Likes:I have the Tilt Pearl and i love the motion. Even on todays conditions the ball is still a winner. Nothing shot under 700 with this ball.

Dislikes: None so far.