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Author Topic: Action Attack  (Read 16863 times)


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Action Attack
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Coverstock: M802â„¢ Friction Plus
Weight Block: Centrifugeâ„¢ Core
Ball Color: Raspberry/Black Pearl All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
Hook Rating: In Oil 30, Backend 30 (Medium-High) on a scale of 0-60 Low-High
RG Differential: .054 (Medium-High Flare) on a scale of .000-.080 Low Flare-High Flare
RG Average: 2.45 (Very Low) on a scale of 2.43-2.80 Very Low-High Break Point
Recommended Lane Conditions: Heavy Oil



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Re: Action Attack
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2006, 01:24:04 PM »
Got this ball last week and thought I would put in my review:

Drilled this identical to the Action Max, Pin under ring finger and slightly to he right, cg out past the thumb about 1 1/2 to the right: correctional hole needed.

After about 21 games with it it reacts alot like the Action Max, gets down the lane really easy, but it doesn't seem to have the pop like the Action Max does. I am going to adjust the cover and see what it does from that. I will continue this review in about another 21 games, but until then I am going to drill another one and stack it.

I would like to thank Chad Murphy and Columbia 300 for providing me with wonderful equipment.

Thank you for reading my review:

Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff


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Re: Action Attack
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2006, 02:30:01 AM »

BuddiesProShopcom - Tim

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Re: Action Attack
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2006, 04:10:49 AM »
I punched up the Action Attack the same as my Action Packed was punched up, 4 1/2" x 3 3/8" pin x cg to PAP.  I wanted to compare these too balls, so that is what I did.  For me, the Action Attack was about 2 boards more overall hook.  Both balls seemed to pick up at about the same part of the lane, but the AP was very squirty off the spot, where the AA was much much more predictable and controllable.  When compared to my Action Max, the Attack was about 2 boards less overall hook, with a much cleaner read in the heads, with similar power at the pindeck.  This ball fits in the Columbia arsenal very well, and will be like by staffers and C300 enthusiasts alike.


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Re: Action Attack
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2006, 10:59:59 AM »
Ok, this is a continuation from my first posting;

At first I gave the impression that my Action Attack didn't hit as hard as my Action Max, but now that I have over 60 games with this ball I must tell you I sure do see the difference. With a slight change of the surface, I have notice a dramatic difference, I decided instead of dulling it up a bit I decided to shine it up a bit, took it to 2000 ( no polish, just pads), and now I see what this ball was suppose to do.
It still reads the lane very easy, and now when it gets into it's break point it wants to go. The hit is very much there, and I see what Columbia had in mind with this ball. A very good compliment to the "Max" and "Packed". I highly recommend this ball to anyone arsenal.

I would like to thank Chad Murphy and the entire Columbia300 Staff for their continued support.

And I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas

Thank you for reading my review:

Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Amateur Staff Utah


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Re: Action Attack
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2007, 10:58:52 AM »
My other Columbia beauty right here.  This ball is simply amazing in terms of carry, predictiability, and lane movement.  I got this ball almost a year ago, and this ball is my go-to ball when I start to struggle or get confused.  I have the CG above my ring finger, and the CG kicked out to the left just a bit (Lefty).  I'm a cranker, maybe a tweener, 17 mph ball speed, and this ball can play just about any oil condition, except maybe the extremely light oil.  It really flourishes in medium oil though.  I usually play 17 at the arrows, 7 at the break point, with this ball in the medium oil, and the carry is just great.  It keeps everything real low to the deck, and as long as I put the ball in the pocket it will carry 9/10 times.  I've thrown plenty of 700's with this ball, high set sitting at 781, and somewhere between 5-10 279's with it (LET ME CARRY ONE SHOT PLEASE?).  My favorite ball in my arsenal.


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Re: Action Attack
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2007, 01:03:39 PM »
Action Attack layout:

PAP: 5 1/2"
Pin: 2 1/2" to 3"
Surface: OOB polished
Target Line: 15 board to 8-10

I gotta thank bigearv14 for giving me the opportunity to buy this Action Attack from him in practically new condition. This is the only ball in the Action line that I haven't tried yet. I haven't had a whole lot of luck with this type of layout but I was willing to give it another try but this time on a ball that can handle some oil and doesn't go long and strong.

Tried it out on wooded lanes where the center place fresh oil on the lanes. There was heavier oil in the middle and a longer pattern so I used my Mean Machine for about 8 games to open the lanes up abit. Tried playing straight up the 12 board but the second the AA hits a dry spot it takes off. Then I decided to move to the 15 board and play it to around the 8-10 board and that's where that ball made its move.

I was surprised by the fact that it doesn't go quite as long as I expected or read about. It really seems to react fast once it hits the drier area of the lane. By keeping my hand more behind the ball, playing in a spot where there is some oil at the first 20 feet and with enough revs, it got through the head easily and about midlane makes a strong arc/flip in the backend. It's forgiving if you're off a few boards but not enough revs with too much speed can make it squirty if you miss your breakpoint by more than 5 boards. My last game I tried moving a few more boards to about the 18 board but still playing the same breakpoint. Still got the same results but with more revs. Even with a little carrydown it still found the pocket and the carry was very exceptional.

Since the house shot had more oil than what I'm normally use to on a THS, I think this ball would be good for either league or tournament conditions. You can probably use it at 2000 grit dull for fresh oil or keep it at 3000 grit OOB and use it for when the lanes break down. I would say that this ball is stronger than the Action Packed overall and somewhat similar to the Action and Action Max but with more backend. This is a really good ball and I'm looking forward to trying it out this fall for league play.
"Never, never, never quit"- Winston Churchill


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Re: Action Attack
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2008, 06:42:27 PM »
The Action Attack is a bowling ball that is flying under the radar. You here about the Fury, Resurgence, Black Widow, and the Cell. However, people who have the Action Attack know the Real Deal. The balls just performs! On tough lane conditions, other people are having problems trying to find the pocket. The Attack is like a hound dog with sharks teeth. The Attack find the pocket and attacks it. You cannot go wrong by purchasing this ball.


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Re: Action Attack
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2010, 12:34:28 PM »
Im doing this review after 30 games with this ball.

Myself: Tweener, Rev rate about 300-350, avg speed is about 16-17, definitely Rev dominant.

Drill: this ball was an experiment, pretty close to a TJ layout with IT thumb interchangeable. Pin is up high about inch and half to VAL with cm in the palm under the ring finger. Original drilling no x hole.

Converstock: OOB.

Intended reaction: It was one of the first balls with IT system, so I didnt really know what to expect. Never tried TJ layout but so far i heard is all about backend, and clearing the front with ease.

First impression: well, i have to admit i was pretty disappointed with the reaction, it cleared the front but never turned. At first i thought it was due to my rev rate. The ball goes into a roll very early but it just set and hit weak.

Modifications on the ball: I left this ball behind for few weeks and finally decided to give it another chance before i plug and re-drill, i always change the surface to see whether or not it improves. Back home with the spinner, 500 and then 4000. The reaction improved, now with more backend and reads the lane better. An observation here, with this drilling, the ball flared like crazy, first track is usually lower than my normal track. So, the first ring was about 2 inch from the holes, then it keeps flaring, normally by the time it hits the breakpoint, the track is parallel to my midlane and tracking over my thumb hole.

This is the first ball, after many, to flare that much, so i took it back to the shop and added another  small x hole about 3 inch right of my grip center. Then the ball finally shines, its now very even and strong. A very unique reaction down the lane. This ball still flares a lot but now it has a better reaction and carry, my ideal ball for dry-medium conditions.

When a house bowler misses the mark, misses the break point and strike, for many ppl its called a wallshot. When a pro does that its call adjustment

When a house bowler gets his finger stuck in the ball and fall on the lanes, for many ppl its called lame bowler. When a pro does that its called the Machuga flop! ha i like this one.