Left handed, stroker, med speed and revs.
Drilled pin left of the ring, cg stacked below with no x-hole. Left in the OOB surface.
This ball is a homerun. Columbia was right on track when they made this ball.
I haven't liked any of the C300 stuff I have drilled in the past three years, but seeing as this is the only company I threw when I was in my teens, I was determined to find a ball I liked. I wanted something to compliment my Black Widow, and I think I have found it.
Effortless length through the heads. I was amazed at how easy I could throw this ball without it taking off on the front lane. When the ball hit the mid it started to rev up very nicely. The backend is very strong, but not jumpy at all. This is what I was looking for in my Domination, but didn't get.
The ball is sort of ugly, but going down the lane it looks pretty sweet. I have yellow grips and slug that match the pin and cg color.
I have seen some Columbia duds with the hitting power of a piece of cheese, but this ball carries amazingly well.
For a medium oil piece, this is a great one. I am almost intrigued to punch up another one with the pin below the ring to see what that would do, but for now, I'll stick with this one.
If you've been hesitant to drill up a C300, don't be with this ball. If it's 16 lbs, and you end up not liking it..I'll buy it from you

Formerly SGC300