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Big Shot
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
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Big Shot
The Big Shot™ from Columbia 300® is truly the next generation performance you''ve been waiting for. The Big Shot combines the proven Centrifuge™ core with a new reactive formula - Optima™. In addition, Columbia 300 is introducing the new "TCS" (Texture Control System). The Big Shot has never been so easy to execute!
 Ball Specifications  
 Core Technology: Centrifugeâ„¢

Core Technology Benefits: Centrifuge Coreâ„¢ in low RG configuration for higher revs and controlled motion off the breakpoint.

Coverstock: Optimaâ„¢

Coverstock Benefit: Optimaâ„¢ - This new reactive blend is the right match for today''s league bowling environment. This chemistry provides the bowler great length through the front part of the lane with a strong backend motion.

Hardness: 75-78

ABC/WIBC Approved: Yes

Track Flare: 5-6

Color: Copper/Black/Silver Pearl

Sanding Process: TCSâ„¢ (Texture Control Surface) 4000

Polish Name: None  

Hook Rating
Overall Hook: 58
Hook Oil: 26
Hook Dry: 32

 Dynamic Properties
Available Weights Radius of Gyration (Rg.) Rg. Differential
16 lb. 2.476  0.050
15 lb. 2.499  0.050
14 lb. 2.521  0.050



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Re: Big Shot
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2007, 02:13:03 AM »
On 1/27/07, we featured Chris Barnes and Wes Malott at our Training Center in a "meet and greet" session during the week that the PBA was here in Las Vegas.  We presold the Columbia 300 Big Shot and the Track Phoenix.  We have received our Big Shots and the response from our customers has been phenominal!  This ball is a home-run for Columbia 300!  With the new TCS 4000 Optima coverstock, the ball gets through the heads easier than previous M80 covers and stores more energy for the pins.  This ball utilizes the proven core found in the Action Attack that came out this last fall.  One of our customers recorded his personal best (over 1000) for the first four games he used the ball.  By the way, this ball is not a skid/snap ball.  It flat our hooks!  One of our staff members threw one with a 4-1/2" drilling with no hole at the Gold Coast here in Las Vegas (traditionally, a tighter patterned house for the average bowler) and he had to put it back in the bag since it hooked too much(he used a Power Machine instead).  I watched him throw it and the most amazing thing was that the ball never rolled out even though it was clearly too much ball that day.  We have another customer who has thrown most of the Action series and he too agrees that this ball has more overall hook than the than the balls in the Action series.

This ball should be a great compliment to most bowling styles and trajectories, especially those with lower rev rates or excessive ball speed.  This ball is definitely a medium-heavy ball with much more angularity in the backend compared to its predecesors.  Columbia 300 coverstocks have been so strong the last few years that they needed to smooth out the surface (TCS 4000) so the ball will retain energy for the backend and the pins.  Using the same core found in the Action Attack, this ball exhibits a great compliment between coverstock and core.

Anyways, I thought I would just pass the word about how great this ball is being received by our customers.  This ball was delayed a few days due to freezing temps in San Antonio forcing the Columbia 300 plant to stop production in mid January, but it will be well worth the wait!  The other good news is that Columbia 300 has developed a new finishing process called TCS (Texture Control System) that will help your pro shop guy be able to duplicate the factory finish of the Big Shot.  This is a great deal since the surface preparation of most bowling balls nowadays is so critical to their performance.
Ken Keegan
K&K Bowling Services
When you are in Las Vegas, visit us and find out why "service" is part of our name!


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Re: Big Shot
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2007, 02:35:19 AM »
Drilled this ball today for the tournaments. I was told it was ok in oil but when they are a little drier it is great!

Layout was 5 x 4 roughly, medium hole 2 inches down from axis.

Bowled at the Boot Hill sweeper tonite. WOW, this ball was amazing! I didn't throw it very well overall, but I tell you what when I did, you could tell. This ball makes the pins explode. I saw a few people throwing it tonite and all the same anytime it hit the pocket pins flew everywhere!

I would recommend this ball for anyone looking for a ball for medium oil! I am higher rev player so in the oil it wasn't to bad.

Great ball here!!
George Palumbo
2002 True Amateur Challenge Champion


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Re: Big Shot
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2007, 10:44:54 AM »
Pin: 1-1.5
Top Weight: 2 3/4
Layout: 5x4
Balance Hole: NO
Pin Location: Directly underneath the bridge
... for anyone who wants to know

I think this is a solid ball for medium oil if you keep the box finish on.  It makes a hard arc into the pocket (much like a strong version of my wrath sf but it doesn't go as long).  I played with the surface a little and found that taking the shine off and just putting on regular 4000 abralon with no polish allows the ball to have a smoother break point but it starts to break a touch earlier.  The best surface i found was by applying 2000 abralon and then a coat of track's Clean 'n Sheen.  It gives the ball (as eddie says) some teeth under the polish.  Once you take the original box polish off (with 4000 or 2000 or whatever) i would consider it more of a medium-heavy oil ball.  With the box finish, it gets down the lane a little too long and the back end is a touch squirty.  ...oh yeah, and the carry is excellent (but so is the carry with any new ball, so ill be back to update within a month or so)


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Re: Big Shot
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2007, 09:16:34 PM »
I don't know much about ball layout or any drilling patterns so I'll keep it simple.  I got the ball drilled to go long so the pin is over the ring finger.  The alignent with the CG is about neutral I guess.

Since I drilled it to go long I guess it went pretty long but the best part was the backend.  Once this ball turns, it keeps going!  The first time I bowled with this ball was during league play and it was too much ball by the third game.  I was too slow to adjust to the lanes, but refused to part with the ball because for one it was too fun and I wanted more experience with the ball.  I shot a 279 (solid 10 in second frame), 239 and a 168.  I didn't care much for the 700 series as I did learning from the ball under drier conditions.  

Quite a few bowlers in the house began to ask for feedback and info. about the ball so I guess it must be a good product.  Overall, I am pleased with this ball and it was worth every penny.


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Re: Big Shot
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2007, 10:47:59 AM »
Here is the follow-up review i promised...
I wouldn't consider the Big Shot to be a heavy oil ball, it's a little too squirty on the back end and it goes a little too long.  Putting a 2000-4000 abralon surface on the ball will be necessary for heavier oil patterns.  I found that throwing the Big Shot with its box finish on fresh oil allows you to leave some nasty pocket splits.  The back end is too aggressive for heavy oil... but it wasn't unpredictable like my Radical Inferno (two thumbs down for that ball)... i'd give the Big Shot a 7.5 out of 10 so far.

Spider Ball Bowler

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Re: Big Shot
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2007, 12:34:44 AM »
Left handed, stroker, med speed and revs.  

Drilled pin left of the ring, cg stacked below with no x-hole.  Left in the OOB surface.

This ball is a homerun.  Columbia was right on track when they made this ball.

I haven't liked any of the C300 stuff I have drilled in the past three years, but seeing as this is the only company I threw when I was in my teens, I was determined to find a ball I liked.  I wanted something to compliment my Black Widow, and I think I have found it.

Effortless length through the heads.  I was amazed at how easy I could throw this ball without it taking off on the front lane.  When the ball hit the mid it started to rev up very nicely.  The backend is very strong, but not jumpy at all.  This is what I was looking for in my Domination, but didn't get.

The ball is sort of ugly, but going down the lane it looks pretty sweet.  I have yellow grips and slug that match the pin and cg color.

I have seen some Columbia duds with the hitting power of a piece of cheese, but this ball carries amazingly well.  

For a medium oil piece, this is a great one.  I am almost intrigued to punch up another one with the pin below the ring to see what that would do, but for now, I'll stick with this one.

If you've been hesitant to drill up a C300, don't be with this ball.  If it's 16 lbs, and you end up not liking it..I'll buy it from you

Formerly SGC300


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Re: Big Shot
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2007, 05:07:33 PM »
This ball is outstanding...I have been bowling with columbia products since the Powr Torq and I have not been this excited since the Ti Boss II solid.

I purchased it from ebay just to try it what a good decision

the span is much shorter than what I am used to so I put in finger slugs and a double slug in the thumb to prevent having to plug...

while standing about 28...16 at the arrows...out to about 12 then the ball charges hard to the pocket...holds the line very well...very hard hit..

In the span of 2 weeks, my $60 investment has paid for itself 10 times over and given me my first 300 in 5 years...I have bought two more big shots and a total of 17 other new columbia pieces so I will be bowling with columbia for some time to come...sorry to see you go, columbia...we will miss you...


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Re: Big Shot
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2008, 10:59:16 AM »
I was able to find my Big Shot at and am glad that I picked one up. I didn't really know what to expect with this ball as I never threw any of the older Columbia stuff, only stuff from the new era under Ebonite. What I ended up seeing was a ball that has no problem clearing the heads, picks up hard in the late mid lane, and has a very strong pop on the back. The ball just never seems to roll out on any condition. I was able to throw it in a PBA Experience League on Viper the other night and was able to get the ball to finish high flush in the same area that my Rival would labor. In comparison with the Rival, the Big Shot is about 4-5 feet longer in the heads and has more total backend. As far as the Momentum goes, the Big shot clears the heads about 2-3 feet more and has about 4 more boards of pop on the back. The hitting power is also nothing that I have seen before as pins seem to hit other pins extremely hard. This ball can be successful from any angle so just choose what you are comfortable with and let it go. I would just suggest not forcing the ball and let it do the work. Overally a great release from Columbia that you should pick up if you can find one somewhere.


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Re: Big Shot
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2009, 02:24:44 AM »
Best ball in my bag for THS. I have it drilled stack. I stand 20 hit the 12 board out to the 5 and watch the ball snap back into the pocket.It carries lite and high flush.Corner pins are a problem in the middle of the second game as lanes break down. Ball hates dry lanes.


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Re: Big Shot
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2010, 01:38:15 PM »
I got a chance to through a big shot last night in league and found this ball to be very good.  for my medium house condition this big shot had pretty good length and the backend was sharp and still hit hard.  Reading on this ball prior to throwing it I expected a big move down lane so I started out swinging the ball from 15 to 5 but it didn't react.  moving to 10 and playing straight the line improved and and the ball hit the pocket time after time very hard.  
I think this was a 2007 release but mine doesn't act like it's old.   Drilled rico with a switch grip installed this ball still has lots of life.  first game went 225 with a open in the 1st.
you can email me at or

latest 300 shot with arch rival yes!!
columbia is the best!